Posts tagged baby sleep
3 Ways To Prepare For Sleep Training Your Baby

While some babies seem to come into the world sleeping like professionals, others tend to have a very hard time falling asleep or staying asleep on their own. But in order for you as parents to get the sleep that you need, it’s important that both you and your baby are able to sleep enough hours on their own during the night. To achieve this, many parents wind up having to sleep train their babies. To show you exactly what you can do to get ready for this time, here are three ways to prepare for sleep training your baby.

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Buying Your Baby’s First Cot: What You Need To Know

Anyone who values a restorative, good night’s sleep knows just how important it is to invest in a quality bed and mattress. A poorly designed bed or a lumpy mattress that is too hard or too soft for your body’s preference, will have you tossing and turning rather than sleeping deeply. The same is true for your baby. Seeing as your baby will spend the majority of their first few months sleeping, it is vital to invest in a cot that is comfortable and supportive – not just for your child but yourself too.

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