How To Survive The First Year Of Motherhood

Is the first year of parenting the hardest? In one survey, moms said that the first year of motherhood is chaotic and stressful. Some moms even lose their jobs after delivery because their employers don’t provide maternity leave. It is not just about extra expenses. It is also about having a tiny human that entirely depends on you and cries all day without losing her voice. It is about figuring out how to communicate with this baby. What does it mean when she makes that face? Is she in pain? Should I call the doctor?

Parenting is a learning curve without a shortcut. You have to go through it to learn it. One 2020 research found that the modern parent believes they are doing a great job at parenting than their parents.

What is the modern parent doing to survive parenting?

Postpartum Care

In the first months postpartum, delegate all house chores to someone else. Focus on taking care of your newborn and yourself. It takes up to 8 weeks or more to recover from delivery. If you were injured during delivery, it could take longer.

Make sure to attend all your clinic appointments and your baby’s too. The sooner your doctor catches any problems, the easier it is to manage.

Sometimes birth injuries do happen, leaving babies with permanent disabilities. If your baby is extremely fussy, sluggish, and has problems suckling or swallowing, you should consult your doctor for a diagnosis. Most birth injuries are a result of negligence or medical errors. If you suspect that medical malpractice is to blame for your baby’s problem, you can get justice for your baby through a Birth Injury Justice Center.

Taking Care Of The Newborn

Most millennial moms educate themselves with many resources, including books, classes, etc. Please take advantage of it all, but always mind who is giving you counsel. Are they a credible source? First-time mommies benefit from doula services after delivery. Your doula will teach you the basics of caring for a newborn and yourself post-delivery. If not a doula, then maybe your mom or in-law? You need someone with experience.

Do not turn down help. Independent moms do not want to bother people with their problems. But now’s not the time to reject help. When someone offers to help, accept it.

Getting Enough Sleep

Newborns commonly will sleep for about 2 hours and wake up to feed. This happens round the clock, so you don’t get to sleep for long. Research data shows that 90% of new parents don’t manage 7 hours of sleep every night in the first year.

 As long as you have a newborn, you might not get your 7 hours of sleep, but you can get more sleep this way:

·         Create a bedtime routine for your baby. Put her to sleep the same time every day, right after an activity like a massage or a bath.

·         Grab naps in the day whenever your baby naps.

Self Care

Your baby takes up much of your time, admittedly, but do indulge in self-care. Self care is the only way to keep your sanity amidst the chaos. Whether you love jogging, yoga, reading, exercise, watching, getting your nails done, etc. Please do it. When you feel about to lose control, get a massage. When things get tough, remember that it is only a phase. It will pass. A happy mommy raises a happy baby.