9 Things You Should Do In Baby’s First Year


You want to cherish every precious moment of your baby’s first year. As a new parent, you also need to care for them — and yourself — while starting them on the right path in life. 

How can you preserve your memories of this magical time? What are the must-dos for every baby during their first year? How can you nurture yourself, too? Here’s what you need to do during your baby’s first year. 

1. See Your Doctor Regularly 

When you first give birth, you might joke about pitching a tent in your pediatrician’s office. Many doctors want to see your new baby three to five days after delivery. You’ll visit them at least six more times in the first year and three in the second. 

Why do you have to go so often? Your baby will grow like wildfire, and your physician needs to ensure they hit vital developmental milestones. They’ll also screen them for diseases and begin their immunizations. 

2. Visit the Dentist 

Your child’s baby teeth look adorable, but they are susceptible to tooth decay — and your infant can’t tell you what hurts. Plus, they may refuse to eat, which can hinder their development. 

Seeing your dentist during the first year can save you money long term. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), children who saw the dentist within their first year paid 40% less in tooth-related bills over the next five. Your little one will fear the chair less when they have a longstanding familiarity with it. 

3. Save Their Paw Prints 

Your baby’s tiny toes and fingers are miniature perfections, but they won’t stay this way long. You can learn to save their footprints at home, or you can hire a commercial firm to make a cast of their digits. 

What can you do with your prints? You can make copies for announcement cards and have a set framed for your photo collage wall. You can also have clay or plaster casts mounted on a plaque to display proudly in your family room. 

4. Get Your Diaper Game on Point 

Every baby’s butt is slightly different. Plus, you need to decide between cloth and disposables. While the latter does offer convenience, they cost a pretty penny and keep you running to the store. Cloth diapers require an initial investment, but they save you money over the long haul. They also significantly reduce landfill waste, and they might make later potty training more natural. 

If you choose the disposable route, you’ll need to find a brand that fits your baby’s unique curves and doesn’t cause an allergic rash. You’ll also have to manage all that waste with a diaper pail that keeps down odors. 

5. Teach Some Simple Sign Language 

Once your baby passes the 6-month mark, they may learn simple signs such as “sleep,” “eat,” “more” and “done.” These can create a powerful way to communicate with your little one before they can form words. 

How do you teach sign language? Speak the words aloud while making the motions. You can also take your baby’s hands and have them mimic the signs as you say them. 

6. Invest in Comfy Bras

If you breastfeed, you may feel like you glued two angry bowling balls to your chest for months. Ease some of your pain by finding a quality nursing bra and investing in several so that you always have a clean spare. Here’s one area where you don’t want to cut corners if you can avoid it. You owe it to yourself to get a professional fitting to minimize your discomfort. 

7. Start Teaching Them to Swim 

You would never leave your baby unattended around water for a second, but you can reduce the risk of future drownings by starting swim lessons early. You don’t want to force your baby in the pool — a negative initial experience can leave them fearing the water long term. Instead, trickle water over their body, and if they seem to enjoy the sensation, take the next step. 

8. Take Tons of Home Movies and Pictures

You’ll never get your baby’s first year back, so surround yourself with memories of their first year. Go crazy with your camera, and if you have an older phone, see if you can upgrade early for a better quality lens. If you have the means, invest in a digital model that lets you snap closeups and distance shots with ease. 

You want to share your little bundle, but exercise judgment when posting pictures to social media. Unscrupulous people can steal these photos and use them to create child pornography. Consider sending them only to specific individuals via text or direct message instead of your feed. 

9. Relax and Enjoy Your Baby 

Finally, you can’t recapture time. It’s the one asset no one is making more of, so cherish these fleeting moments with your young infant. Relax and enjoy this memorable first year. 

Do These 9 Things to Make Your Baby’s First Year Memorable and Magic

You want to cherish your baby’s first year, and you must handle vital parental responsibilities. Make the most of this magical time by doing these nine activities.