Preparing for A Baby: How To Get Your House Ready


Are you expecting a baby? Congratulations!

Need tips to prepare for bringing your baby home? You're probably making preparations for your delivery day, but you should also remember to prepare your home for your little one.

You might need to make certain adjustments to make your baby comfortable in your home. Let's take a look at these key steps for preparing for a baby.

Clean Your House

Before you bring your newborn home, you need to make sure your living space is dust-free and clean from top to bottom. Newborns have a very weak and fragile immune system, so you need to clean and sanitize your living space.

Clean important items in your home. For starters, you need to deep clean your carpets, rugs, and floors to remove bacteria, stains, odor, and dirt. Wash your baby's bedding and give your bathtub a deep cleaning.

Dust all the items in your home to prevent your baby from inhaling dangerous allergens. These may consist of ceiling fans, furniture, curtains, lampshades, electronics, books, and air filters.

You also need to clean the kitchen. This is the most important room in your home where you will prepare the baby's meals. Take the time to clean your microwave, refrigerator, sinks, and other areas in your kitchen to remove harmful germs.

You also need to sanitize your baby's equipment. Some of these include baby bottles, crib, breast pumps, toys, strollers, and other items your baby will use.

These are essential cleaning tips that help to protect your baby and to minimize their chances of getting sick.

Baby Proof Your Home

It is so important to baby proof your home. This minimizes the danger of potential accidents and injuries. There are child-safety devices that you can use to prevent all types of hazards.

Before your little one arrives, make certain that you secure the windows, medicine cabinet, cupboards, and doorknobs in your home. 

Injuries can also occur from appliances and heavy objects that you have around your home. So, you should store these items in a room or put them in a box out of the baby's reach.

You also need to think about protecting your baby from electrical outlets. Cover your electrical outlets to prevent accidental shocks or electrocution.

Your bathroom can also be a hazardous place. The toilet is an area where a baby can be vulnerable to injury. Keep your toilet lid down and make sure your baby is always supervised in the bathroom.

Securing different items in your home gives you peace of mind that your baby is not at risk for a potential accident. Taking these extra steps gives you the confidence that you're using the right baby-proof techniques to keep your baby safe.

Set up the Baby's Crib

Before your baby comes home from the hospital, you should set up the crib. Make sure you follow the guidelines from the manufacturer's manual to ensure the proper setup.

For your baby to sleep well in the crib, you should make sure the crib's mattress has a firm and snug fit. This is an important safety standard that you should keep in mind. 

For a full-sized crib, you can use a standard-size mattress of about 27 1/4 inches by 51 1/4 inches. The mattress should also have about 6 inches of thickness.

All the products that you use for the baby's sleeping arrangements should be evaluated for safety. This ensures that your baby is not at risk for suffocation or any type of danger while sleeping in the crib.

Tie Window Blind Cords

Be sure to tie, cut, or remove window blind cords. The corded blinds in your home could become a safety hazard for your little one. 

A curious child can become entangled in your window blind cords. They can also get a serious injury if they're unable to free themselves from the cords. You may need to replace your window blind cords with a cordless or motorized option for added safety.

These blinds are safer, easier to use, and less hazardous for your baby. Installing these blinds prevent you from worries and makes it easier for your child to freely move around. 

Remove Toxic Plants

You could have plants in your home that are toxic or dangerous to your baby. Be sure to perform a thorough check around your home to determine which plants are hazardous to your baby.

If you're unable to identify which plants are toxic, you can move them all outdoors or leave them on your porch. 

Organize the Baby's Clothes

Before you give birth, you need to organize the baby's clothes. As a new mom, you'll be tired and preoccupied with the baby, making it challenging to find the items you're looking for.

For this reason, you need to prepare and organize your baby's clothing ahead of time. This prevents panic-stricken searches when you want to retrieve the clothes you need for the baby.

If you're buying new baby clothes, you need to wash them and store them in an organized fashion.

Preparing for a Baby Minimizes Stress

Preparing for the arrival of your newborn can be an enjoyable process. This is a fun experience that allows you to make your home comfortable and relaxing for your little bundle of joy.

You can do this project by yourself or with friends and family to get your home in order. When you're preparing for a baby, it is less of a hassle if you're with your loved ones to give you a helping hand.

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