How To Feel Confident As A New Mom


Becoming a new mom is like being picked up by a tornado. Suddenly, you have a tiny human that relies on you for everything and needs you every second of the day. Along with being one of the most wonderful experiences, it can also be a huge adjustment.

However, being a new mom doesn’t mean you have to lose yourself. If you’re feeling like your tank is empty and you need a boost, you’re not alone. Here are some things you can do to regain your confidence.

Believe in Yourself

It may sound a tad cliche but it’s essential that you remember you’re doing the best you can. Every mom has moments of guilt because no mom is invincible (even if you’re as close as it comes). If you’re worrying about whether your child has everything she needs, that’s a good indication you’re an amazing parent.

Remember that you can only do what you’re able to do and leave the rest for tomorrow. 

Get Some Me Time

It’s easier said than done when you have little ones that want you around but you need to refill your tank. You can’t look after anyone else if you’re running on empty. A twenty minute jog around the block or joining in some boxing classes could do you the world of good.

Perhaps you’d prefer to join your girlfriends for a meal or meet a family member for coffee. Whatever you decide to do, having a break will be good for you and your children.

Accept Your Body

Lots of changes happen during pregnancy and it can be difficult to accept your new body. If you’ve recently given birth, you may be shocked with how your body looks but it won’t be that way forever. However, there may be certain aspects of your body that stay.

For example, you may have stretch marks or a c-section scar. You may have gained weight that won’t be easy to get rid of. Your body has birthed a child and if you can accept the beauty of that, you’ll feel a lot more comfortable in your own skin.

You Are the Boss

Everyone has different opinions on how to raise their children. You’ll always get other parents who frown upon some of your decisions. Remember that no-one knows your child like you do and you know what’s best.

Follow your gut instincts and don’t let anyone else dissuade you from your choices. You are the boss of your household and you’re allowed to act like it.

Go Easy on Yourself

As a parent, there will be many times when you mess up. You may do things with all good intentions just to realize you’ve done it wrong. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Don’t punish yourself for making a mistake your children won’t remember in years to come. No damage is irreparable when you’re a loving mother. Keep trying and your children will grow up happy and secure.

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