How To Burp A Baby The Right Way


The most important part of any feeding routine for parents is knowing how to burp a baby. When you don't take time to burp your baby it can cause them to have an upset stomach and can lead to unnecessary spit-up.

As parents, we only want the best for our little ones and want to do what we can to make them as comfortable as possible. Have you been searching high and low for a burp a baby guide?

We've heard your cries and created one for you to ensure you can help your baby through the gassiest of problems. Scroll on now.

Pick Your Position

Before we get into how to specifically burp your baby it's important to know there is more than one way to burp your child. If your baby doesn't burp in one position after you spend some time patting them on the back, you might want to switch positions and see if it works better for your baby.

Below we're going to let you know how to burp your baby in each position.

Over the Shoulder

The over-the-shoulder burping position is the most common out of all of them. After you finish feeding your child place their head so it's resting on your shoulder.

If you get tired of burping them on one side, you can always switch sides and continue. Use the palm of your hand and pat them on the back until they burp. If you're worried about patting their back too hard you can always cup your hand slightly for a gentler method.

Across the Lap

This is for babies that need a bit of pressure on their diaphragms to force that air out. Place your child across your lap face down.

Unlike the over-the-shoulder method, when your baby is lying across your lap you have two options. You can either pat their back or you can choose to rub their back.

Some babies only need you to rub their back before a burp comes out. The downside to this method is because their bellies are resting on your knees it might cause them to spit up.

It's for this reason we recommend having a cloth nearby to wipe their mouths and yourself in case it happens. Also depending on what your baby eats it could increase the chances of spit-up.

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Sitting on the Lap

The last position you can use, and some think it's the best way to burp a baby is sitting on your lap. Allow your child to sit on your lap and support their chest and chin.

As you're supporting these areas use your hand to rub and pat their back. It's best if you do a combination of both for the best results.

How to Burp a Baby?

There are several answers to the question of how to burp a baby. The truth is you've got to find which way works for you and your little one and stick to it.

Babies grow quickly and we want you to have the resources you need to be the best parent possible. Check out some of our other posts right here in this section.