Pros and Cons of a Holiday Season Pregnancy


The holiday season brings a ton of perks and perils for weary pregnant moms. Depending on how you look at it, the onslaught of in-laws can be a help or a hindrance to your maternity experience. Here are the biggest upsides and drawbacks to being knocked up during the holidays.

Pro: Lots of Attention for Pregnant Mom

Need some extra compliments and care? Turn to one of the many friends or family members who are hanging around town just waiting for an excuse to dote over your big belly.

Con: You're Too Exhausted to Go to Parties

Forget stockings, you may as well just knit a giant sleep sack and hibernate all season! Pregnancy hormones have most moms to-be just wanting to cuddle up by the fireplace all winter long.

Pro: Extra Hands Around to Help

Too tired to tend to it all? Don’t! Enlist the help of visiting friends and family to prepare the nursery and stockpile easy meal components.


Con: Everyone Gives the Baby Stuff Instead of You

It’s bad enough you have to give up alcohol, most caffeine and sushi. Now your friends and family members are foregoing gifts for you in favor of baby presents!

Pro: You Have Downtime from Work to Rest

If you don’t have the luxury of an extended maternity leave or sick days to prepare for the baby’s impending arrival, you can take some of the holiday time to relax as much as possible.

Con: People Enlist You to Help in Your "Extra" Time

If you’re lucky enough to have extra time off to prepare for the baby, there are always a few annoying relatives who think that time is most efficiently used preparing for their holidays feasts and festivals. Just say no.

Pro: You Can Eat All the Turkey

You have an awesome excuse to eat anything and everything. Nobody will bat an eye at your extra holiday weight.

Con: The Smell of Turkey Makes You Sick

There are weird foods everywhere you go. Elaborate recipes with all sorts of ingredients that inundate your sensitive sense of smell and have you gagging at every turn.


Pro: You Can't Drink

While most view this as a drawback, look at the upside: There is zero chance of you overdoing it and doing something embarrassing at the office party.

Con: Everyone Else is Drunk

Pregnant women inevitably become the designated driver for every function, like it or not. Prepare to feel like a taxi driver.

