Top 10 New Reasons To Breastfeed You Didn’t Know About


Breastfeeding or formula-feeding: the two practices are in a near-constant debate over which feeding method is best for our newborn babies.

Thanks to the breastfeeding experts at MamaNatal, however, it’s easy to understand the benefits of nursing your baby. Not only does it help protect your little one, but this incredible act also yields impressive results for mothers.

If you’re confused about whether breast milk is the best option for you and your little one, we have ten practical reasons to prove it is.

Reason #1: Breastfeeding Improves Infant Immunity Better than Infant Formula

The most significant benefit of having a breastfed baby is the nutrients they’ll receive. Not only does it consist of various vitamins, proteins, and fats, but it also includes powerful antibodies that protect your little one from getting sick.

Not only will they be less likely to contract viruses and colds, but the immunity boost infants receive from breast milk also protect them from illnesses, such as:

●     SIDS

●     Ear Infections

●     Asthma

●     Allergies

●     Respiratory Illnesses

●     Diarrhea

Reason #2: Reduces the Chances of Developing Postpartum Depression

There’s no denying that the early stages of parenting are incredibly tricky, even more so when a mother is trying to provide quality infant care while dealing with postpartum depression. Thankfully, research has shown a positive connection between reducing risk factors for PPD in nursing mothers.

Reason #3: Provides Protection Against COVID-19

With COVID-19 at the forefront of our minds, many parents have wondered whether choosing to breastfeed can protect their little ones from catching the virus.

While much is still unknown about the connection between the two, enough studies have been done to show that providing breast milk to your baby may protect them from COVID. It’s also been said that the virus does not appear to pass into a mother’s milk.

Reason #4: Breastfeeding is Free

During these uncertain times, our jobs and financial situations may have become more complicated, so finding ways to better our monthly budgets is ideal.

Compared to infant formula, breast milk is 100% free. The only high cost you may incur is for a breast pump, but luckily, many insurance companies will help provide soon-to-be parents with one for free or very little money.

Reason #5: Better Sleep for Parents and Baby

Sleep is a precious commodity for new parents. While it might be true that breastfed babies wake just as often, if not more, than babies who receive infant formula, they tend to get back to sleep faster. In fact, scientific studies have shown that babies who nurse sleep approximately 45 more minutes a night than those who drink formula.

Reason #6: Moms are Less Likely to Contract Dangerous Diseases

One might assume the physical health benefits of breastfeeding are strictly for babies. On the contrary, moms who nurse are less likely to develop harmful diseases, such as:

●      Breast Cancer

●     Ovarian Cancer

●     Type 2 Diabetes

●     Rheumatoid Arthritis

●     Cardiovascular Problems

Reason #7: Strong Support Communities

So many aspects of the parenting journey come with questions and concerns about the “right” things to do. If you choose to nurse your child, however, there is ample breastfeeding advice available to help you through your journey.

Many communities also offer various breastfeeding support groups, an unparalleled resource for new moms and dads.

Reason #8: Breast Milk is Uniquely Made for Your Baby

As with adults, each baby has their own unique set of needs. One of the most interesting aspects of a mother’s milk is that it evolves with your child to meet those needs.

Reason #9: Nursing is Environmentally Friendly

While you might not think of nursing as a means of helping with our current climate change problems, it can. Not only does producing breast milk create no pollution, but it also doesn’t require the use of valuable finite resources, unlike formula.

Reason #10: Helps with Postpartum Weight Loss

Are you concerned about the extra weight you gained during pregnancy? While you should be proud of the body that carried your baby and brought them into this world, it’s only natural to want to feel more like yourself. Nursing can help women accelerate their weight loss after delivery.

Embrace the Benefits of Breastfeeding for You and Your Baby

Choosing to breastfeed your baby isn’t always an easy decision to make. There’s no denying the process takes a significant amount of determination and effort.

That being said, the breastfeeding experts at MamaNatal wholeheartedly believe in the benefits of nursing your little one. The extraordinary advantages extended to mom and baby make the extra energy expended worthwhile. If you want to do the best for yourself and your baby, choosing breast milk could be it.

About The Author

Josh Stancle is co-founder of MamaNatal with his wife, Karin. When their daughter Stella was born with an undiagnosed tongue-tie, both Josh and Karin spent sleepless months trying to understand why Stella remained underweight and Karin experienced painful breastfeeding. After visiting a lactation specialist, Stella's tongue-tie was finally discovered and fixed, leading to Stella thriving and Karin's pain vanishing. Since then, Josh and Karin have made it their mission to provide the tools and resources learned throughout their challenges to empower parents from the comfort of their home with brilliant specialists, classes, support groups, and nutrition.