How To Raise A Family As A Mother In The Philippines With A Husband Abroad


In the Philippines, it is not unusual for husbands to go abroad to work, leaving their wives at home to take care of the children. This arrangement can be difficult for families, as it can be hard for wives to manage everything independently. However, there are also some benefits to this arrangement. For example, it can give wives a chance to pursue their own careers or interests. Additionally, it can allow families to spend more time together when the husband is home on vacation. Ultimately, whether or not this arrangement is right for a particular family depends on the individual circumstances.

But if you're a mother in the Philippines with a husband working abroad, one thing is for sure: you face unique challenges in caring for the children by yourself. However, it's not impossible! Here are a few tips to help you successfully raise your family while your husband is away:

Get organized

If your husband works abroad, you may feel like you are constantly running around trying to keep everything organized. However, there are some simple things you can do to help make your life a little easier. First, create a daily schedule and stick to it as much as possible. This will help you know what needs to be done each day and make it easier to stay on track.

Then, make use of technology to help you stay organized. There are many great apps and websites that can help you track your schedule, keep up with your budget, and more. By taking some time to get organized, you can make your life as a mother with a husband working abroad much easier.

Communicate with your husband regularly

If your husband is working abroad, it is important to communicate with your husband regularly. While waiting for him to call or text you may be tempting, this can often lead to misunderstandings and frustration.

Instead, try to reach out to him regularly, even if it is just for a brief chat. This will help to keep lines of communication open and ensure that you are both on the same page. In addition, try to schedule regular video calls or FaceTime sessions. This will help you to stay connected and feel like a team, even when you are physically apart.

Support your husband's career

It's important to remember that your husband probably chose to work abroad because it was the best option for his own career and the family's financial security.

There are many ways you can support him in this matter, including helping him manage his spending while he's abroad and looking for a reliable service that allows him to conveniently transfer money to a Philippines bank account. A good money transfer service can help your husband save on fees and exchange rates while ensuring that the money gets to where it needs to be safely.

Seek out support from friends and family members

Being a mother is hard enough, but when you add in the stress of having a husband working abroad, it can sometimes feel like you're doing it all alone. However, it's important to seek support from friends and family members. They can help you with the day-to-day tasks of parenting and provide a shoulder to cry on when things get tough.

In addition, many online resources are available for mothers in your situation. These websites can provide advice and support from other mothers who understand what you're going through.

Create meaningful traditions

As a mother with a husband working abroad, creating meaningful family traditions is important. This can help to ensure that your children feel connected to their father, even when he's not physically present.

One tradition you might consider is sending your husband a care package every month. This can include anything from photos and letters to small tokens that remind him of home. You might also want to create a shared photo album online, where you and your husband can post pictures and updates.

Focus on the positive

It's important to remember that you're not alone in this. There are millions of other mothers out there who are managing just fine. Instead of focusing on the negative, try to focus on the positive.

Think about how you're lucky: you have a beautiful family, a comfortable home, and a job you love. Appreciate the small things, like your child's laughter or a sunny day. Motherhood is hard work, but it's also an incredible gift. So don't forget to focus on the positive - it will make all the difference.

Raising a family with your husband abroad can be challenging, but it's also rewarding. You can make things easier for yourself, including getting organized, communicating with your husband regularly and supporting his career, seeking out help from friends and family members, creating meaningful traditions, and focusing on the positives. By doing these things, you can ensure that your family thrives despite the distance.