How Politics Affects You As A Mom


No one can really escape politics. It affects everyone's lives, even if you're not particularly interested in the ins and outs of politics on a local, national or global scale. If you're a parent, it's always smart to pay attention to what's happening in the world of politics. It might seem like a lot of jargon and abstract ideas that don't influence you, but politics can affect you and your children in many different ways.

Politics influences public policy, which covers a broad range of different areas. Changes in public policy can mean that employment, education, healthcare and other important things can be affected. This can affect you as a mother, and it can mean that your children are also affected both now and in the future. Politics influences public policy because the policy needs to be designed to be acceptable to not just politicians but also the public.

As a mother, politics and public policy aren't something that you can ignore. Even if you don't pay much attention at first, you can soon realize that you can't avoid the influence that they have on you and your children. You might be concerned about the education that is available to your child, the medical services and funding that you can access, or the safety of your local community.

Whether you're a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, a single mom or anything else, paying attention to politics and public policy is a smart thing to do. It can change your life and affect your family, whether you pay attention or not.