High Chair For Babies: 9 Do's And Don'ts For Keeping Children Safe In High Chair


When a newborn is arriving in the house, he isn’t the only one coming. Loads of cute goodies are sure to enter the house too. Before the baby's arrival, his parents do not hesitate to overspend on his clothes, cot, soft pillows, warm blankets, etc.

If they are having the baby for the first time, there is a high probability that the parents might purchase many products that are just pretty and are not much use for them or their little ones.

The attractive advertisements on the internet, endless suggestions by friends and family members for buying something can leave the parents in a confused state. Deciding on what to buy for your baby and how to use it can become an uphill task for the parents.

A simple tip for this problem is to observe your baby. Take into account his needs and requirements and only then purchase a product that suits your baby’s needs.

There are a lot of products in the market which are designed to make both the baby and the parents comfortable. Make sure when you head out for baby shopping you make smart purchases. Instead of buying more opt for spending less and getting more functional products strategy.

 When we talk about the products which are worth investing in and can be used for a long period, without a doubt, a baby high chair tops the list.

High Chair For Babies

When the baby turns 4-6 months old, he will try to sit up and maintain his balance. However, do not panic if your child isn’t sitting yet. Each child grows at his own pace.

Once the baby starts sitting and can maintain stability then, you might want to get a high chair for him. High chairs are not only comfortable for babies, but they also ease the lives of their mothers during snack time.

Feeding a baby can be quite messy, and to put a cherry on the top, controlling the wiggling of the babies makes it next to impossible for a mother to feed them properly. A high chair becomes a lifesaver in this situation.

Making the child sit in a high chair and securing him safely helps the mother to make the baby finish his meal with… umm…a little less mess. 


What To Look For In A Baby High Chair?

When you have decided to buy a high chair for your little one, don’t forget to look for the following features.

1.    Height and Weight Guideline

No matter how much you are drawn to a particular high chair don’t forget to follow the height and weight guideline. A toddler high chair will not be safe for a 6-month-old baby and vice versa.

2.    Detachable Tray

This feature is useful for mothers. It makes it easier to put in and pick him out of the chair. Not to forget it saves ample time in cleaning.

3.    Portability

Having wheels attached to a high chair makes it easier to move it around.

4.    Multifunctional Chairs

Why not invest in a chair which can grow with your child? Many chairs can accommodate the needs of your baby and can be changed from a baby high chair to a toddler high chair and then into a booster.

5.    Safety

Make sure to check that the chair has a secure belt and three to five harness points to keep the baby secure in the chair.

6.    Footrest

Baby high chair footrest allows the baby to feed better and make them comfortable. If the high chair you are buying doesn’t come with a footrest, then don’t worry. You can easily buy an eco friendly high chair footrest that can be attached and detached as per the needs of the baby.

7.    Comfortable Seat

A comfortable baby is a happy baby. If the baby is comfortable he might give you a lesser tough time in finishing up his meal. Make sure to check the seat before buying. A well-padded seat is sure to give enough comfort to your mini ones.

Even though high chairs can save a lot of time to keep the baby in a position, it shouldn’t be overlooked that it might become a dangerous furniture piece for the baby if not used properly.

Below we have compiled a set of dos and don’ts for keeping children safe in a high chair. 


Do's for Keeping Children Safe in High Chair

1.    Make Sure the Chair Is Sturdy

Before placing the baby, make sure that the chair is sturdy and won’t let your little one fall off.


2.    Use Safety Straps

Even if the chair has a leg partition don’t forget to buckle both the shoulder and the groin strap. Babies are smart creatures, if not buckled up they will figure out how to slip away from the chair.


3.    Lock the Wheels

A high chair with wheels is easy to move. During mealtimes make sure to lock the wheels or your baby might go for a stroll without you.


4.    Check for Pointed Edges

Before every use check for pointed edges as it may harm the baby.


5.    Clean the Tray

Mealtimes are the messiest part for the baby. Make sure that after every meal the chair and specifically the tray is thoroughly cleaned to avoid contamination.


6.    Stay Close

Always stay close to the baby when he is sitting in the high chair. These tiny creatures are very creative. He might pull off a stunt if you aren’t around.


7.    Place the Chair in a Safe Area

Their tiny fingers want to grab everything within their reach. Make sure that the area within the reach of the baby is clear. Keep all the sharp and pointed objects such as knives, fork, chopsticks, etc. away from their reach.


8.    Be Careful When Folding the Chair

Foldable chairs are a great option to save space. However, be cautious when folding or unfolding it. You don’t want your baby’s finger to be pinched.


9.    Attach a Footrest

Footrests not only make the baby comfortable but also avoids the risk of varicose veins. A baby high chair footrest is a must if you want your baby to sit comfortably without dangling his legs. Invest in an eco-friendly high chair footrest as it improves blood circulation.


Don'ts for Keeping Children Safe in High Chair

1.    Never Leave Baby Unattended

It only takes a baby a split second to do their trick. Make sure they are well attended to, to prevent them from tipping over.


2.    Do Not Place the Chair Near a Counter or a Table

Placing the chair near a counter can make it easy for the baby to push off hard enough against it and topple.


3.    Do Not Make Babies Stand

Babies have a poor balance and find it hard to retain it. Standing on a high chair might be fatal for them and can cause serious injuries.


4.    Avoid To Use the Chair during Playtime

Make it a rule to use the high chair only for mealtimes. The chair is not suitable for playing or climbing on it. Make it a rule and discipline your child.


5.    Do Not Forget to Clean the Chair

Not only the tray, but the entire chair should be cleaned as the crumbs and tiny pieces of food get stuck which can allow mold to develop. Making it unhygienic for the babies.


6.    Do Not Rely on Lap Table

Lap tables are not enough to restrain the baby. Always make sure to buckle all the safety straps to secure the baby. Lap table or detachable tray can be easily removed by the child after a few failed attempts


7.    Avoid Hooking the Chair to a Table

Hooking the chair onto a table may seem like a good idea to keep the baby close. But, avoid doing that as the babies are in a habit of moving continuously. The table might not be able to hold their weight and topple over them.


8.    Keep the Chair Away From the Baby

Once the mealtime is over and the chair is thoroughly cleaned, keep it away from the reach of the baby. Most of the high chairs have a weight. If the baby pulls it or tries to stand up by taking their support, there is a high chance that it may get imbalanced and hurt him.


9.    Do Not Let the Baby Sit on a High Chair for Prolonged Period

As mentioned earlier, high chairs should only be used for mealtimes and not otherwise. Making the babies sit on the high chair for longer durations, makes them irritable. An irritable baby might throw a tantrum and tip himself over.



Baby furniture and products may appear as a must-have product for your baby. Before investing your hard-earned money, make sure to vigilantly check if it fits your baby’s requirements and safety. Failure to adhere to safety measures might result in disastrous accidents.

Never leave your baby unattended as you never know what might be brewing in their mischievous minds. Always make sure to follow all the instructions before using any product for the baby.