4 Tips For Surviving The First Month Home With Your Newborn


Having a baby is one of the most exciting events that a person can experience. The newness and thrill of having someone to call your very own is an honor and a joy. However, along with the joys that come along with the new baby also, a considerable amount of challenges. 

Babies are an enormous responsibility and can cause a lot of stress if you aren't prepared. The first month, in particular, is known for being one of the most difficult.   Take a look at some of the best tips for surviving your first month home with your new baby.  


Enlist Help  

When you first get home from the hospital, your baby will need most of your attention. It can be difficult to keep up with housework while managing to fulfill your baby's needs. Trying to do it all on your own can lead to a serious mess in your house. Sometimes it's not possible to keep up with the dishes while breastfeeding your baby all day. 

The last thing you want is a pest infestation because your dishes are left all over the place. You're better off enlisting help from a friend or family member during the first few weeks of being at home. 

Your hands will be full, and you'll likely be sleep deprived. Having someone there to help you with simple tasks around the home can make a world of difference. 


Sleep When Your Baby Sleeps 

Even though your internal clock is completely different from your baby’s, it really is the most logical solution to sleep when your baby sleeps. You can forget about sleeping for longer than three to four hour stretches for the first month. Therefore, instead of relying on your typical night of sleep, try to get in cat-naps throughout a 24 hour period. 


Wear Your Baby  

You'll find that your baby loves to be held for the first few months of life. In fact, this can continue all the way up until they turn one. Rather than trying to put them down to get things done while battling their protests, you should wear them. 

Wearing your baby in a sling or wrap is the best way to have your hands free for things like eating or brushing your teeth. That way, your baby can stay close to your body and comforted by your presence without them getting upset. 


Practice Self Care  

It's easy to become overwhelmed with everything that has to be done for your newborn baby. Don't forget that you should also be giving back to yourself. Self-care is an essential part of being a good parent. 

If you constantly give to your baby without stopping to fill your own tank once in a while, it won't be long until you burn out. Self-care can be anything from taking a bath to going for a walk alone for a while. If you have a support system, it's important to lean on them for help.