3 Benefits Of Having Strong Relationships With Extended Family Members For Your Kids


While having any type of loving and supportive family unit can be a benefit to kids, there are some great benefits that can come from having a big, extended family in the life of your children. So if you’re been wondering whether or not moving closer to family would actually have an impact on your children, here are three benefits of having strong relationships with extended family members for your kids. 

A Greater Sense Of Security

The more loving, supportive people your child has in their life, the better sense of security they will have. And the closer these relationships are between generations, by doing things like making regular visits to see Grandma in her assisted living facility or getting together with cousins periodically, the stronger the sense of security your child will feel. 

Having a strong sense of security can help your children grow in their own self-esteem. It can help them to know that they are loved and valued in a world where people often feel the opposite. And as your children get older, this sense of security and sense of self-worth will help them to be confident, capable, adults who are ready to take on the challenges this world is bound to throw at them, knowing that they have people in their corner who love them and want them to succeed. 

Love And Respect For People Of All Ages

Socially, people have become more and more isolated as the years have gone by. Many children today don’t interact with people of different generations from their own, aside from their parents and teachers. Because of this, children can come to discriminate against people of different age groups than them. 

On the other hand, if your children are used to being around older adults and even the elderly, they can learn to love and respect this group as a whole. This can be beneficial to your children as they join the workforce and interact with others all throughout their lives. 

Better Mental And Physical Health

Having a strong relationship with people throughout your extended family can help you to feel connected to people and the world around you. And when this happens, people can feel more happiness and joy in their lives. They can be less likely to experience depression and can more easily come out of depressive episodes when they happen. Healthy family relationships can also help people to be healthier physically, both as children and into their adulthood.  If you want to benefit the mental health of those around you, why not look into Second Nature Utah?

Helping your children get to know and develop strong relationships with their extended family members can be a huge benefit in their lives, both during their developmental years and as they go about living their lives as adults.