4 Tips For Parents Who Want To Inspire A Love of Reading


Are you wondering how to teach your children to read? Do you want to know how you can inspire a love of reading?

A large study of 2.2 million students found that those who read for less than five minutes each day saw the lowest levels of growth, well below the national average.

Therefore, it's no surprise that parents are doing their best to improve their children's reading levels. Take a look at the following five reading tips to foster a love of reading.

1. Read Together Before Bedtime

Scheduling a time to read together each day can help create a reading habit. And kids are often more motivated to read if it allows them to stay up longer. Read to your child for as long as they allow you to, and let this time remain designated for reading as they enter adolescence.

Discuss the book and ask them what they think will happen next. Reading together each day can be a beautiful way to bond with your child. Alternatively, if they have older siblings, you can encourage them to read together, and this can benefit them both.

2. Create a Cozy Reading Space

A small, quiet area in your home can easily be transformed into a cozy reading nook. If you're wondering how to furnish it, look no further than a blanket, a bean bag chair, cushions, and a lamp. Let your child nestle in the midst of it all, quietly reading a book they chose from the nearby shelf.

Children need access to space that encourages their literacy growth, and what better place to begin than your own home!

3. Encourage All Types of Reading

Don't create a problem because your child is not reading something educational. Let them know that all reading is good reading, whether comic books, magazines, autobiographies, novels, or even cookbooks.

Keep a variety of reading materials in your home, giving them the freedom to pick up whatever they want to read.

4. Go to the Library Together

Take your kids to your local library and let them make it their library. It's a great way to inspire a love of reading, and a regular trip to the library is much more beneficial than watching TV or playing on a console.

You should also consider sending your child to a school that encourages curiosity, learning, and growth. You can't wait for them to get older to become bookworms. The best reading age is now.

Your city might even have a free library for you to attend.

Let That Love of Reading Grow

Take these five tips on board, and you'll help create a love of reading for life. There's a clear correlation between motivated young readers and better school performance. But take note that being pushy can put children off reading for life.

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