Things Parents Can Do To Help a Child with Autism


The efforts of parents have a huge impact on how well a child with autism progresses. Other than the medical support the child gets from therapists, there are simple things parents can do to aid in the child’s development. Some of them include the following:

Continue with the Learning Process at Home

Don’t let the learning end in school or at therapy. You should guide your child to keep on learning even when they are home. Liaise with the teachers and therapists to know how the child is progressing, what they are learning, and how you can help them not to forget what they have learnt once they get home. 

Make Learning Fun with Social Stories

Kids can take greater interest and grab concepts faster when you make learning fun. Try to find activities you can do with your child to help them understand concepts or just cope with a certain situation. For instance, instead of trying to explain a certain emotion to your child, you could read to them some social stories that will help them to better understand that emotion. provides more insights on social stories for autism featuring some social story examples. The magazine also publishes real life stories, treatments, news and other autism related topics to help parents make informed decisions. 

Some other benefits of autism social stories for kids include helping kids learn self-care, reinforcing proper behavior, teaching kids how to socialize, showing kids how to cope with changes and transitions, and helping kids understand behavior among many others. 

Be Observant 

You are your child’s advocate and the person who will make the most decisions for them. Thus, being observant can really help. Be keen and observe factors such as things they enjoy doing the most, what makes them mad, things they struggle doing, and situations that cause them to be anxious and act out among others. As you do that, you will be able to come up with strategies that can fuel their development. Being observant can also improve the quality of time you spend with them.  

Acknowledge the Milestones

Another thing you can do for your autistic child is acknowledge their milestones. Praising a child can encourage them to continue in the desired behavior. It can also help in eliminating the undesired behavior. Observe your child and praise them throughout the day when you see a desired behavior. 

Organize for Them to Make Friends

Ensuring that your child is interacting with other children is something else you should do for your child. You can invite some friends and family who have kids over to your house or arrange for a meet up at the park. Joining groups for autism kids in your area can also help. However, before you take your child out of their comfort zone into a social situation, first take time to understand their character and challenges or weaknesses. Also, discover things that are fun for them. The interactions are much more likely to go smoothly when the child is doing something they enjoy. 

Another important thing you should do is to ensure you teach your child some social skills. Social stories and demonstrations can help them to gain these skills. Role playing and getting them a pet can also help. Finally, move slowly. Start with simple things like short play dates before you move on to of a full day at the park. 

Never Give Up Hope

Parenting an autistic child can be filled with a lot of uncertainties and this is why it is important to never give up hope. Even when it seems like things are taking too long, keep on going. Hope will keep you going even when you repeat something so many times and your child doesn’t get it. A positive attitude also helps. You can be persistent, but if you have negative thoughts, your child can sense it and it can affect their development and your bond. Also, it will be hard to choose the right words or response if you are not hopeful for the best, or when you are thinking negatively. 

Taking time to learn more about autism is one thing that will help you to uncover more on steps you can take to help your child and also be a good parent to them. Find reliable blogs you can follow for insights on parenting kids with autism. You can also learn from support groups. Also, be on the lookout for events such as dinners, seminars and awareness campaigns that are autism related. As you learn more and implement strategies, your journey with your child will be so much more fulfilling. However, ensure that you implement only the good advice; don’t follow what every blog or forum says. Some will mislead you, stress you out, and steal your happiness. Look for the ones that are solid and legitimate.