Rediscovering Yourself Amidst Motherhood


Embarking on the journey of motherhood can often feel like venturing into a maze with no map. There’s overwhelming love, yes, but there can also be an overwhelming sense of losing oneself. But rest assured, within this beautiful chaos, you can still find your essence. Just because you’re a mom now doesn’t mean that’s all you are. Outside of being a mom you still need to be yourself; you need to embrace the new chapter without losing sight of who you once were. But that’s easier said than done, right?  

Step Away From The Chaos:

Amidst diapers and nursery rhymes, there’s you - needing a breather. Even if it’s just 5 minutes sipping a hot coffee or a quick 10-minute skin pampering session, you’ve earned this time. If mornings feel hectic, try waking up slightly earlier or sneaking in a break during nap times. Those few minutes of seclusion from the world around you can re-energize you for the day that awaits. 

Old Hobbies Or A New Found Love - Focus On Your Joys:

We all need something that brings back the spark we once had. The something that makes those few hours after bedtime the highlight of your day. Those paintbrushes gathering dust or that unread book on the shelf? Pick them up and spend an hour or two doing whatever it is that makes you feel like, well, YOU. Reconnect with your hobbies. Taking a step back from motherhood and immersing yourself in a passion project can remind you of the world beyond motherliness.

Embrace Movement As If You’re Not Constantly Moving All Day:

Everyone seems to say it - getting yourself moving is the best way to boost your mood. No need to think about heavy workouts or intensive routines. A gentle walk in the park, therapeutic yoga sessions, or just dancing around the kitchen with your partner after another successful day with the kids can make all the difference. Therapeutic yoga, especially, is turning into a must do for many, emphasizing mindfulness and mental well-being, intertwined with physical movements. It’s a beautiful way to realign with yourself instead of falling into a pit of sadness.

Find Like-Minded Friends To Get Through The Challenges:

The saying goes: it takes a village to raise a child. And, oh boy, is that the truth. The journey becomes lighter when you can share the load on your shoulders with others who want to help and who know what you’re going through. Connect with other mothers - whether through local groups, online communities, or with friends who are sharing this special journey, find your tribe. Sharing, laughing, and even venting about parenting challenges can provide a much-needed sense of belonging in a world where you feel lost without any sign of hope.

Setting Boundaries Doesn’t Make You Mean:

It’s perfectly okay to say “no” sometimes. Whether it’s skipping an event or postponing a playdate, it’s essential to recognize when you need a break away from the outside world to enjoy yourself and your family in your own little bubble. Setting and respecting your boundaries will teach others to respect your decision instead of pressuring you into doing things you really don’t want to do. 

Closing Thoughts

Remember, new mamas, while motherhood might shift your priorities, it doesn’t erase who you once were before or who you will become. Amidst the joy, the challenges, and the unexpected, there’s a fierce, wonderful, and unique individual waiting to be set free. Embrace the journey, and through it all, never forget the incredible person you’ve always been. So stay strong, keep shining, and know you’re doing amazing!