How To Prep Up For A Mommy Makeover With Liposuction


Motherhood is fulfilling but it takes a toll on your body. You can expect visible areas of fat leftover amid the sudden gain and loss of weight. Even worse, your body appears out of shape after breastfeeding and binge-eating. It takes a lot of work to lose weight and get back into shape. You may have to follow a rigorous diet and strenuous workout regime to shed the flab. But you may still not get the perfect, toned appearance of pre-pregnancy times. Thankfully, you can get a safe, fast, and sustainable solution with liposuction. But you have to prep up for a mommy makeover with this procedure. Here are a few tips to get ready for liposuction.

Be at an optimal weight

While liposuction aims to trim extra flab, do not consider it a solution for excessive weight gain. You must use it only to remove the stubborn fat that stays even after exercise and diet. For moms, it is right for getting rid of the saggy and loose skin on specific areas of the body. Ideally, you must be within 25 pounds of your target weight before undergoing the procedure.

Prioritize good health

A cosmetic surgery like liposuction is inherently safe, provided you are healthy and have no complications. However, smoking, obesity, and chronic conditions like diabetes can make it challenging. If you have any such conditions, make sure you address them first and proceed when you are in good health. It is easy to deal with most complications before considering surgery. You can quit smoking, manage weight, and discuss therapy for the chronic condition from your primary care doctor.

Set aside time for recovery

Like any other surgical procedure, liposuction has a recovery time for healing after the surgery. Opting for liposuction by Dr. Tirgari is a good idea as the practitioner gets patients back on their feet within 2-3 days in most cases. As a mom, you must set aside time for recovery and ensure you have a support system in place. Your spouse can pitch in, or you may ask your parent, sibling, or friend to help with childcare. Take time off work and social commitments as well.

Pre-plan meals

Besides having someone to look after the house and kids, you must pre-plan self-care with nutritious meals after the procedure. You will have to stick with foods that do not strain your stomach. Stocking up your pantry with the right ingredients before the surgery is a good idea. This way, you will not have to struggle for preparing light and healthy meals during the recovery phase.

Ensure you do not want more kids

Another aspect of preparing for liposuction as a mom is to be sure that you do not want more kids. Subsequent pregnancies after the procedure will get you out of shape again. Although you can have another procedure to eliminate the fat again, it does not make sense to go through it again. Besides the inconvenience, you have to bear the expense repeatedly. Experts advise mommies to get done with pregnancies before opting for liposuction.

Financial readiness is another crucial factor to prepare for liposuction. Ask your doctor about the cost of the procedure and post-operative expenses. Get your mommy budget ready to go ahead comfortably.