5 Things To Do With Your Baby In The Colder Months


As a new mother, it can be really overwhelming trying to find ways to keep your baby entertained. When you’re trying to fit fun into the routine of feeding, changing, naps, bath time, not to mention your own personal tasks that you need to get done (you have to eat and shower too!) it can leave you feeling totally frazzled. And during the colder months, it can be tricker too as you can’t just pop out into the garden, fill up the paddling pool or go for a stroll if it’s hammering down with rain. But there are still things you and your baby can get up to for that all important fun, bonding time and making those special memories that will last forever. Here are some ideas!

Go for a walk- weather permitting

During the colder months it might not always be possible to go for a walk, but if it’s not raining then it’s well worth getting out for some fresh air. Wrap yourself warm, a thick coat, the warmest thermal socks you can find, a hat and some gloves will do the trick. Dress your baby in a thick snow suit/ all in one coat to keep them toasty, and you can always add or remove blankets as needed. Sometimes just a short, brisk walk is all you need to improve your mental health, it’s great for settling a fussy baby and the winter sunshine can be really beautiful on days when the sky is clear. 

Soft play

You might be putting off soft play as something that’s more for toddlers and slightly bigger children, but babies can get some great enjoyment out of it too. Most play barns/ soft play centres have areas specifically for babies, plus sensory areas with lights and other stimulating things to touch and look at that your baby will love. Since it’s all indoors it’s something you can do together no matter the weather, and it makes for a great few hours out that can easily be slotted into the morning or afternoon around your baby’s nap times. 

Baby groups

Baby groups are a brilliant way to meet other mums and do a structured or semi structured activity. Many of these are ideal from around 6 months onwards when your baby is sitting up and more interested in the world around them, and classes can be things like music, art etc. Often you will need to book a block of sessions with baby groups and they can sometimes be expensive, but do have a look at what’s available in your area and give them a try!

Play groups

Unlike baby groups that are usually focused around a structure or theme, play groups are free play sessions. They’re often held in places like village or church halls or community centres and are again perfect places to meet other mums and babies. The little ones can all work their way around the toys and activities at their leisure, and the atmosphere tends to be very relaxed. You can usually pay week by week meaning that if you know you can’t commit to a block of sessions it’s fine and they tend to be very inexpensive too. Have a look on Facebook and ask other local mums as these types of places can be invaluable with a baby, especially over the winter when there’s less to do. 

Structured home activities

In a perfect world, we;d all have structured activities set out for our baby every day. However, doing this around simply surviving motherhood means its not always possible, it can take a while to set up and put away and with small babies they dont have a huge attention span so the activity never lasts for a particularly long time. However, on days that you do have the energy, these things are so enjoyable, fun and memorable. You could set up a themed play dough or art station to make some festive crafts, you could collect leaves, pine cones and other seasonal items for a sensory experience. If you’re not good at thinking up these kinds of things check out Pinterest, it’s chock full of ideas and many of them are very simple if you’re short of time and resources. 

Finding things to do with your baby when you can’t just pop them straight into the pram and stroll in the sun can take a bit more effort, but try to do what you can. Before you know it, the warmer days will be here but your baby will be that bit older! So dont forget to enjoy this precious time!