5 Healthy Ways To Care For Your Toddler’s Skin


As a parent, you may constantly think about how to care for your toddler’s soft and sensitive skin. Babies face several potential skin issues, with the most common including bug bites, diaper rashes, acne, warts, etc. Some of these skin conditions may be caused by fungal, viral, bacterial infections, and other diseases, and it’s essential to ensure that your little one’s skin remains healthy, clean, and protected at all times. Here are some simple ways to care for your toddler’s skin. 

1. Keep your child’s bath time as short as possible

Even with the right soap, it’s important to keep your toddler’s bath time as short as possible, preferably not more than 15 minutes. As soon as bath time is over, you should moisturize your toddler’s skin with a little bit of baby oil. Like other baby skincare products, your child’s baby oil should not contain strong fragrances or harsh chemicals. Additionally, it’s best to apply a moisturizing cream at most 3 minutes after bath time during cold and dry winter months.

2. Find the right products

The first step in protecting your toddler’s skin is to ensure any product that makes contact with their skin does not contain harmful chemicals. You can start with your child’s soap, lotion, cream, and other skin care products, ensuring that none of them contains chemicals like parabens and sulfates. It would help if you invested in brands tailored to suit sensitive and soft skin. Other things like diapers and cloth diaper covers should be friendly on your baby’s skin and not come with strong chemical smells. This way, you can reduce the likelihood of a diaper rash and prevent leaks. 

3. Use sunscreen

Direct sun exposure can harm your toddler’s delicate skin and cause irritations and burns. So, before your little one crawls into the sunlight to play, apply sunscreen to protect its skin from the harsh UV rays. If your toddler has extra-sensitive skin, consider using a sunscreen product that contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Also, avoid sunscreens that contain para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), as they can cause skin irritation. 

4. Observe changes in your child’s skin

As your toddler grows, you can expect various changes to their skin. It’s advisable to observe these changes as closely as possible. Look out for moles, rashes, noticeable and unexplained skin color changes, etc. Also, take your toddler’s complaints seriously. Although your little one may not be the best at expressing themselves, they can exhibit signs such as scratching their skin, which should prompt you to observe them more closely. Once you notice any skin change going out of control, contact your doctor immediately.

5. Ensure that your toddler drinks enough water

Ensure your toddler drinks enough water during the day to help keep them hydrated, especially in the warm summer months. Like other children, toddlers love to move around and explore as much as possible, making it essential to stay hydrated while they’re active. Keeping them hydrated can also help prevent several skin issues caused by dehydration. If your toddler doesn’t like plain water, you can explore creative ways to get them to stay hydrated.