10 Activities To Keep Your Kiddos Busy


Between working from home or running a household, you can’t always be there to entertain your kids. The alternative might seem like unlimited screen time, but it doesn’t have to be. Try these 10 activities to keep your kiddos busy while you focus on whatever else you need to handle. 

These activities require little prep time or room in your budget. Set them up ahead of time or turn them into instant fun, no matter how old your kids are or what they like to do.

1. Give Them New Chores 

It’s never a bad time to introduce your kids to new levels of responsibility. While you take a conference call or mow the lawn, young children can clean up their rooms. Kids might also take on chores like: 

●     Loading the dishwasher

●     Vacuuming

●     Weeding your yard 

Chores aren’t as fun as watching TV, but they’ll help you around the house and show your kids how to start taking care of themselves.

2. Create a Drawing Challenge 

Keep your kiddos busy by creating a drawing challenge. Cover your table in blank paper and crayons, then ask them to draw a story using their favorite characters. They could make a new episode of their favorite TV show or a tiny picture book.  

This activity fires up their imagination. While your children are drawing, they’ll use both sides of their brain and develop both hemispheres. It could improve how they approach school projects later on.

3. Set Up a Treasure Hunt 

When you have a free moment after your children go to bed, set up a treasure hunt. Find small toys they love and hide them in specific locations. Write a log of what they need to find before winning the big prize. Prizes could range from a later bedtime to a playdate. 

Treasure hunts work both indoors and outdoors, so there’s plenty of spaces to hide hints and treasures. Design your treasure hunt with your children’s ages and interests in mind to create an engaging activity that will keep them busy all day long.

4. Introduce Dental Rewards 

Merge entertainment and education by keeping your kiddos busy during personal hygiene routines. Talk with them about brushing their teeth correctly and then introduce dental rewards. Whoever uses special techniques and takes their time could win a prize.

 Remember to include helpful habits like: 

●     Brushing in circular motions

●     Brushing for two minutes

●     Rinsing their toothbrush frequently 

When they take care of their teeth early in life, it sets them up for better dental health as they get older.

5. Build a Fort 

Kids can get restless when they’re stuck at home. Change up their environment without driving anywhere by building a fort. You don’t need many supplies if you utilize simple DIY guides that only require blankets, pillows and the occasional ball of string. 

After your children learn how to build a fort, it can become their new daily challenge. See how creative they get by letting them set one up every day. It should keep them busy for an hour and provide plenty of imaginary worlds for their make-believe games.

6. Make Sculptures Together 

Sculptures are another great way to entertain kids. You’ll likely find the necessary ingredients in your pantry because homemade clay is so easy to make. Dry whatever your children make and display them as new artwork around the house. Your kids will love how proud you are of their art and devote even more time and energy to whatever they make next.

7. Perform a Science Experiment 

While you work on your to-do list at the kitchen table or in the living room, encourage your kids to perform a science experiment. Browse possible experiments that match their ages and understanding, like making ice cream in a bag or building a hovercraft. 

Your children will learn about scientific properties by applying them to real-life situations. They’ll return to their science classes more engaged because they know each lesson exists outside of their textbooks.

8. Design Snowflake Decor 

Winter weather might trap everyone inside together. Even if that’s the case, you don’t have to leave your responsibilities behind to entertain your family. Kids who are old enough to handle scissors can cut out snowflakes and color them to pass the time.  

After they finish each snowflake, find a place to hang them. Use string to hang them from the ceiling or stick them to windows. Kids love splashing their personalities around their living space and snowflake art is a budget friendly way to do just that.

9. Get a Set of Binoculars 

If you live near a treeline or have a backyard, you can invest in a set of binoculars and introduce your children to bird watching. Ask them to write down how many kinds of birds they see while you’re busy. They can research the birds to learn more about them and even print coloring pages of your backyard birds. 

Children can also do the same with small animals like squirrels. It depends on what kind of wildlife lives nearby. They’ll learn more about their world and stay busy for a little while.

10. Invest in Dress-Up Costumes 

Kids are always growing, but buying a few dress-up costumes might be worth your while. Uniforms, dresses and accessories inspire the imagination. They can wear their costumes outdoors while they play pretend sword fighting or race around your yard. The bright colors and fun fabrics help them make memories they’ll treasure later on.

Keep Your Kiddos Busy Without Screens 

These activities will keep your kids busy without sitting them in front of electronics. Get them moving, challenge their minds and introduce new concepts about the world. They’ll have fun while you get things done so everyone’s happy.