The 5 Top Online Tutoring Services For Your Child


Online tutoring services for your kids are important now more than ever.

The global pandemic has caused the closure of schools across the United States, seriously impacting children’s education.

We’re sure you’re trying your best to help your child out at home with their schoolwork, but don’t be afraid to get a little extra help!

We have assembled a list of five of the best online tutoring sites that you can use at home to help your child’s online education.

1. BuddySchool

BuddySchool is a great tutoring website.

It covers a wide range of subjects from complex languages like Russian and Korean to simple science subjects like biology and math.

The special thing about BuddySchool, however, is you can select the tutor yourself once you examine their rates per hour and their score rating.

Each tutor’s rating is a compilation of reviews from online students. This ensures you get the best tutor possible.

2. Thinkster Math

There are many math tutoring services, but Thinkster Math is the better choice over competitors like Mathnasium.

While Mathnasium is an in-person tutoring service, Thinkster Math is an online tutoring website.

The good thing about Thinkster Math is it is based around the United States math curriculum, ensuring that your child is getting the help that matches their schoolwork.

Thinkster Math is around $100-$200 a month but they also have plans that start at $60 a month.

3. WizIQ

WizIQ is a great online tutoring website.

Right off the bat, you are asleep a set of questions that will help you pick a plan that works best for you!

WizIQ lets you create an in-depth online course that can cover many subjects.

They do offer a free trial so that way you can test it out and see if it works for you!

4. The Princeton Review

Previously known as, The Princeton Review is a great tutoring site for all ages.

This site covers K-12 as well as higher education.

With a wide subject range and exceptional tutors, you can fund a tutor and start with a free session to see if it is a fit for you.

5. Growing Stars

Most of these services work for any age, but Growing Stars is specifically targeted at younger children.

Your child is paired with the right tutor for them and the tutor becomes accustomed to your child’s learning style.

The tutor follows the textbook that is used in school which results in accurate, successful learning.

You’ll also receive education reports so you can see how your child is doing.

Find The Right Tutoring Services For Your Child

If you're a mom like I am, you understand that your child is everything and they're needs are the most important thing in the world.

Right now in the wake of this pandemic, that need is a good online education.

Picking a good online tutoring service really depends on the needs of your child. Be sure to look at your child’s online curriculum and know your child’s learning style.

As always, if you have any questions regarding online education or if you need to reach out in this difficult time, feel free to reach out!

If you found this helpful, please share it on social media! All parents should know their options!