Remedies To Prevent And Stop Dog Hair Loss – Easy Approach


Ever heard the term alopecia?

It is not frequently used, however, it is a negative reality for lots of dogs.

There are a couple of terms conventionally used to describe dogs. One of such is furry. The term sprung up from the sight appealing furs that some dogs have.

The furry feature is something many dog parents admire about their dogs. When spending quality time with their canines, they like to rub their hands around the soft and lovely furs.

If you are excited at having your dog with so much fur, then you have responsibilities. To keep your dog in that state, you should be aware of what we are about to discuss.

Why do some dogs experience hair loss?

Are there any remedies for this problem?

By and large, we will be sharing potent remedies for preventing loss of dog fur. But first, let us start with reasons why your canine may lose hair. However, for more information on alopecia, you can click here:

Looking Beyond the Surface – Why the Hair Loss

If you discover your canine companion is losing hair, you should not take it lightly. Be deliberate about finding out why the furs are falling off.

Most times, there is a more serious problem responsible for this. The same applies to some other canine behavior such as eating poop. Haven said this, let is go over some of the reasons dogs lose their fur.

Nutrient Deficiency

We cannot exhaust the need to offer meals packed with the right nutrients to our dogs. This is particularly important for ensuring their growth and preventing diseases.

Also, lack of the right nutrients can result in loss of fur for your canine. To resolve this, you would have to place your canine on the right diet. It is highly recommended that you feed your dog stage appropriate meals. For instance, puppies should be fed puppy food, as against the average canine food.

Food and Skin Allergies

As with humans, a dog may react negatively to an item by shedding off an unusually large amount of fur. Concerning the subject of allergies, this could either be food allergies or skin allergies.

For skin allergies, your dog may have overly sensitive skin. As a result, the choice of shampoo used may be too harsh for the furry soul. Considering this, it is strongly advised that mild shampoos be used in bathing canines. This way, the chances of the furs falling off is minimal.

Also, as regards food allergies, be cautious when switching a dog's usual meal. This is because a sudden switch may cause negative reactions. One of such can be hair loss.


Various canine diseases come with side effects. For some, this loss is one of the negative symptoms. An example is the ringworm infection. As a result, you should not fold your arms negligently when you see these signs. Most times, the hair loss is a pointer to something more severe.

Psychological Pain

Dogs are emotional beings and should be treated as such. They have feelings that can be good or otherwise.

For some furry creatures, dealing with trauma means inflicting pain on themselves. The dog might make a habit out of licking and scratching some parts of the body. This in turn leads to loss of hair. 

For more information on the causes of canine hair loss, click here.

How to Treat Dog Hair Loss

Having explained some of the reasons for loss of dog hair, are there any remedies? The answer is a definite yes. There are a couple of things you can do to resolve the problem.

However, you should not keep your veterinarian in the dark. This is especially important given how hair loss can be a sign of a more severe problem. On that note, you should have your furry buddy diagnosed and treated for any ailment.

But before the veterinarian comes into the picture, you can administer some treatment. Let us go over some of them.

CBD Treatment

This treatment can be administered in a variety of ways. This could be via the hemp oil, capsule, powder, treats, among others.

This treatment is the resolution to almost every kind of health and psychological complications your dog may be going through. Furthermore, the properties of the CBD have fewer side effects compared to other types of treatments.

Coconut Oil

This has been proven to help dogs in this sort of condition. Coconut oil possesses antibacterial properties that are helpful when applied to affected parts. How do you use coconut oil on dogs effectively?

A little massage of the area will do the trick.

Lemon Juice

A good number of people have had some hard time believing this was possible. That was before they saw the remarkable changes. Lemon juice is to be mixed with water and applied on the affected spots. As with coconut oil, it also possesses antibacterial qualities that can help resolve hair loss.


There are various breeds of dogs. This also means that some are more or less susceptible to losing hair. You should find out if the amount of hair lost by your dog is normal.

Conclusively, ensure that the needed professional attention is given to your dog when the need arises. This way, you will be certain your dog will turn out fine.