6 Creative Ways To Encourage Toddler Development


Every child is different, and there are so many ways to tailor your child's development to their needs. Their brains are in a constant growing state, especially during the toddler years, so it's important to foster creativity and exploration in those early days, so you can help your child blossom into the person they're meant to be. Not every child will fall in love with every activity, but a part of building strengths with them is noticing where they gravitate and allowing them to explore. 

There are so many ways to encourage development in your toddler, and some of them are probably things you already have in your repertoire. Perhaps by paying a little extra attention to these things or understanding their impact a bit better, you can fully immerse yourself and your child in the magical world of learning and developing side by side. 

1. Read to Them

Reading with your kids helps their development in so many ways. When you read to them, the sounds and words can help to develop speech and language patterns, which can help to form their own speech patterns, language skills and vocabulary. Beyond that, reading together can spark your child's creativity and engage their mind with explorative thoughts. 

Storytelling is great for kids, and can get their creative juices flowing from an early age. Reading regularly can also instill reading as a habit that your child can return to for years and years to come.

2. Do Art Projects Together

Participating in creative projects together can help to build sensory curiosity and awareness in toddlers and kids. You probably already do art projects of some kind with your kids, from coloring to finger painting. So that means you're already well on your way! When you do arts and crafts with your little one, try to notice what they gravitate towards the most and try to foster that.

Introducing a wide range of materials, supplies and sensations in their art projects is also a great idea for creating a well rounded system of expression and exploration. Try playing with origami, clay, yarn or other more unconventional materials to get their creativity and their senses moving. Who knows? They might just surprise you with what they make.

3. Spend Time Outdoors

Outdoor time is amazing for overall health and wellness no matter your age, including kids and toddlers who have impressionable, developing minds. Activities like hiking, biking, walking and other forms of outdoor play can all be beneficial for toddlers learning the world around them. Spending time in nature can help reduce stress and help raise levels of focus in kids as they grow and develop.

When kids spend time outdoors, they engage in new forms of discovery through exploring the new learning opportunities around them. Spending time outside also encourages sensory engagement and exploration, which is great for brain development.

4. Listen to Music

Music is a wonderful tool for the development and education of kids of all ages, and that includes toddlers. If you love to listen to music with lyrics, you'll be pleased to learn it can also help to form their vocabulary by familiarizing them with sounds and words. But even music without lyrics can assist in toddler development. Listening to music and even playing basic musical instruments can lift a child's mood and help to develop coordination. 

Listening to music can be a great pastime for anyone, so why not get your kids involved? They'll develop tastes and preferences on their own, and maybe share new things with you one day.

5. Take It to the Kitchen

Cooking and baking can be a great way to foster tactile and sensory development in toddlers. To be clear: nobody is telling you to let your baby handle sharp knives or hot pans. But inviting them to watch you cook, allowing them to handle ingredients or maybe even mix things together every once in a while can be a great way to encourage their hands-on skills and exploration of all things, not just toys and games.

Allowing your kids to be a part of the food prep process — even in little ways — can make them feel like they're helping out, which can give them a sense of independence and accomplishment.

6. Play Pretend

Imagination is one of the key beauties of childhood, and it can do more for brain development that you might think. Playing pretend can work as a massive brain exercise for growing kids, allowing them to explore ideas, themes and concepts through their form of play. This can help them grow up to become innovative, creative adults.

If you're in the mood, you can play pretend with them. Let them take the lead so their imagination can truly wander.

Watch Them Thrive

With a parent so dedicated to helping them to develop and grow in a happy, healthy way, your child is already set up for success. All you have to do is support them, encourage them and watch them grow into the amazing people they're bound to become.