10 Tips For Boosting Tummy Tuck Results


Planning a tummy tuck? NJ’s Burnett Plastic Surgery has some tips to help you get the most out of this procedure. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a transformative cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the midsection by removing excess skin and fat while tightening underlying muscles. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Carlos Burnett explains: “A tummy tuck has many cosmetic benefits, such as providing a flatter, smoother abdominal area to improve your overall silhouette. While the surgery itself plays a crucial role in achieving desired results, preparation, postoperative care, and lifestyle choices are equally important for optimizing the outcome.” 

Want to maximize your tummy tuck results? Here’s what you can do to help boost and maintain the contours. 

1. Follow Your Cosmetic Surgeon’s Guidelines 

One of the most critical aspects of a successful tummy tuck outcome is diligently adhering to your surgeon's postoperative instructions. These guidelines are tailored to your specific case and are designed to promote optimal healing and recovery. Follow restrictions on physical activity and other aspects. There are certain mistakes to stay away from, such as trying to cook, clean, or watch children during recovery. Your incisions will still be very fragile, and you will need to avoid strenuous activity. 

2. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Remember that a tummy tuck is a stepping stone! In other words, it’s not a “quick fix,” and you’ll still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Healthy habits contribute significantly to the long-term success of a tummy tuck. Adopt a balanced diet rich in nutrients to support healing and maintain a stable weight, along with regular exercise. 

3. Stay Hydrated

Adequate hydration is crucial for overall health and can play a role in optimizing skin elasticity. Drink plenty of water to keep your body well-hydrated, supporting the healing process and maintaining the suppleness of your skin.

4. Incorporate Strength Training

After receiving approval from your surgeon, consider incorporating strength training exercises into your routine. Focused exercises targeting the core muscles can help enhance and maintain the results of your tummy tuck. 

5. Gradual Return to Exercise

While it's essential to stay active, it's equally important to ease back into exercise gradually. Intense physical activity too soon after surgery can compromise the healing process, cause swelling or pain, and affect your results. Begin with low-impact exercises and gradually increase intensity.

6. Massage and Scar Care

A tummy tuck will leave one or more scars on the stomach in the areas where your skin heals. Although you can’t completely prevent them, they will fade over time, and there are ways to help reduce them while recovering. Massage can be beneficial in reducing swelling and promoting proper tissue healing. Follow your surgeon's recommendations for scar care, which may include the application of topical scar creams or gels. Avoid stretching and heavy lifting until your surgeon gives you clearance to do so. Proper nutrition is also essential for healing wounds. 

7 .Balanced Nutrition

Diet plays a crucial role in the healing process. At first you will probably be eating lighter, blander foods, but your appetite will eventually increase, and you can resume a normal diet. Focus on foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins to support tissue repair. Foods that are high in protein will help you to support your recovery and preserve results. 

8. Consider Other Enhancements

Complementary surgical or non-surgical treatments can further enhance the results of your tummy tuck. You can consider certain cosmetic treatments with or after your tummy tuck. For example, non-invasive body contouring or skin tightening treatments can address minor imperfections and contribute to a more sculpted appearance. 

9. Be Patient and Realistic

Patience is key when it comes to tummy tuck results. Don’t try on or purchase new clothing right away after the procedure. Initially, your results may be obscured by the swelling and your inability to stand upright. It takes time for swelling to subside, scars to fade, and your body to fully adjust to its new contours. Trust the healing process. Within a few weeks, your flatter and slimmer abdomen will show. 

 10. Emotional Well-Being

Lastly, don't underestimate the impact of emotional well-being on your tummy tuck results. A positive mindset and a healthy body image contribute to overall satisfaction with the procedure. 

Want more advice on how to get the best results from a tummy tuck? Contact NJ’s Dr. Carlos Burnett of Burnett Plastic Surgery for more details on this procedure. Call 908.233.0200 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation if would like to discuss your options.