Posts tagged cars
What Do We All Seem To Forget When It Comes To Paying For A Vehicle?

Owning a vehicle is expensive. It’s not like you just pay the initial cost of purchasing the car, there is far more to it than that. The price of the vehicle is just the beginning of the money that you are going to have to pay for the privilege of owning a vehicle! It’s important that you understand what you are going to need to pay for to the best of your ability so that you can prepare yourself for the coming expenses, and that’s what we’re going to be talking about today! Interested? Keep reading.

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Should You Be Doing Car Repairs Yourself?

The cost of a mechanic is high. We're all familiar with the panic that sets in when our automobile starts acting up and the technician comes to give us the bad news about the extent of the damage. It's dawning on us slowly that we'll have to part with an absolutely ridiculous sum of money just to get back on the road. In addition to the initial purchase of a car, there will also be ongoing expenses for gas, oil changes, and other repairs.

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Yes, It's Possible To Pimp Your Ride Without It Looking Tacky!

Pimping out your car is likely to make you think of the popular American TV show that does that, which is called "Pimp My Ride." Maybe you think of boy racers who have gotten their hands on some off-color bodywork for their cars. Regardless of how they choose to decorate their vehicle, the ultimate product is likely to look shabby and devalue it. However, you can, in fact, "pimp your ride" without making it look cheap. So, here are some sophisticated recommendations for pimping your ride!

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Honda Jazz And Honda Brio Comparison: Prices, Specs And Other Features

A thick line differentiates the latest Honda Jazz from Honda Brio. From pricing, exterior design, engine performance to cargo space every feature offers a different experience. But being small hatching cars with equal sitting capacity, they have a lot in common. The Honda Jazz, one of the best-selling hatchback cars in Indonesia is undisputedly a reliable car manufactured for young consumers and the retired and aged. It’s a reserved car whose changes are hard to come by as opposed to the Brio. The 2020 Honda Brio brought a new definition to space and sporty design.

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