Give And Thou Shalt Receive: 5 Aspects Of Gift Giving That Makes Everyone A Better Person


Why do people give gifts? Giving gifts shows our regard, respect, or love for another person, and giving gifts makes us feel better. Some people give gifts because they feel obligated and some people give gifts because they hope to get gifts back. Generosity is a personality trait that makes a person happier and more satisfied with life. Some people give gifts only for certain special occasions and others give gifts at those times and at random times, too.

5 Ways Generosity and Gift Giving is Beneficial for People

Giving gifts works two ways. It makes the recipient happy and feeling loved and it makes the giver feel good about themselves. Giving a meaningful gift, chosen specifically for the recipient, is even better. A person can shop at local businesses, make a gift, or shop online at businesses such as Primula Florist and Reef. Shopping online is fast and convenient and the gift can be sent directly to the recipient. This is a good way to shop for people who live in another town or state.

Some people like shopping locally to help local businesses survive and to personally choose the perfect gift for loved ones. The local shop will probably gift wrap the purchase or the gift giver may like wrapping gifts themselves. Then, they can personally deliver the gift and watch the recipient open it. Watching the look on a person's face as they open the perfect gift is priceless.

Busy people still want to give meaningful gifts and can order them online during breaks at work, or from home in the evening. They can still match the gift to the recipient so it is meaningful and appreciated.

There are 5 ways the gift giver benefits from giving gifts:

1. Studies have shown that giving money to someone other than themselves made the givers happier than if they spent the money on themselves. The same has been shown for people performing acts of kindness. It turns out that giving activates regions of the brain associated with pleasure and giving releases endorphins in the brain, giving the person a good feeling. Some would say that giving gifts nurtures good Karma.

2. People who are generous have better health. Giving to others even increases health benefits for the elderly and those suffering from chronic illness. People who gave gifts or volunteered time in several studies lived longer. Experts believe the reason is that giving decreases stress, makes people feel better about themselves, and gives other psychological benefits. Altruistic people live more meaningful lives. People who give gifts may feel more fulfilled.

3. Giving gifts, volunteering time, or acts of kindness promotes a sense of social connection and cooperation. When a person is generous in giving, they are likely to get gifts back. When a person gives another a gift, it makes them feel closer to the recipient and the recipient feels closer to them. Being generous and kind causes a person to look at other people more positively and promotes a sense of cooperation and community connection. Giving gifts often strengthens relationships.

4. Giving gifts promotes feelings of gratitude in the recipient. Gratitude is a part of happiness, social bonds, and health. Givers may be giving a gift to express gratitude. Both the giver and the recipient can feel gratitude which is a positive, healthy feeling.

5. When people give gifts, kind deeds, volunteer time, or other generous acts, they feel good, the recipients feel good, and the generosity may be contagious, leading to more giving in the community. Giving to others inspires them to give to someone and that someone to give to someone else and the ripple effect can go on and on. The person who gave a gift will many times get a gift back from the recipient or another person. Giving has a positive effect on others which is good to see.

For Gifts To Have the Most Benefit They Must Be Right for the Recipient

For a gift to have all the benefits for both the giver and the recipient, the gift must be well-chosen. Studies show that some gifts bring more enjoyment than others. Matching the gift to the recipient's needs and wants is important. Some people think any gift is better than no gift, that may not be so. Other people even recycle gifts they are not pleased with. That is not a good practice.

Take a little time to learn what the person who will receive the gift really wants or will be pleased with. A gift should add to the recipient's life in a positive way. Though flowers are a good gift for some, and a box of candy is probably a safe gift, they may not be meaningful gifts. But, a gift that keeps giving pleasure will be appreciated for longer.

Some better gift ideas may include:

· Consider giving a gift that includes an experience such as a trip to a local attraction, a set of concert tickets, a game to play with others, a gift certificate to a favorite restaurant, or another gift the recipient will enjoy over time.

· Get to know the gift recipient and give them a gift that creates new experiences they will enjoy. What about a collection of gourmet coffees or teas? A gift certificate to a new boutique in town or a different coffee shop could work. Equipment or a book on how to do a new hobby or sport might be just the thing. Or search online for “the best Professional Massage near me” and treat the recipient to a fabulously relaxing massage experience. Rejuvenating both body and spirit, a professional massage can provide much-needed relief from the stresses of everyday life.

· Gifts that create anticipation are also good. The initial pleasure and surprise can keep happening with a gift such as a magazine subscription or wine, or candy, or snack, or whatever a monthly gift. Then, every month a new gift arrives. Another choice could be a smaller gift from an online business that is followed by a related small gift in the coming months. The online business could arrange this.

· When you give a gift that shows you understand the gift recipient is especially appreciated. A gift that supports the recipient's favorite sport, hobby, or other interest is always good. One woman's daughter knows she supports saving wildlife and so sponsors several endangered animals every Christmas. The point is to show the recipient that you understand and support what makes them tick.

· Another really meaningful full gift is to share something important to the giver with the recipient. So, a shared trip, visit to a spa, visit to a restaurant, or books by a favorite author might be very appreciated.

The whole experience of generosity and giving makes everyone feel better no matter what the occasion.