The Ultimate 101 Blogging Guide For Moms


As a busy mom, you will always be looking to share ideas, parenting techniques and health advice with other modern moms who juggle the demands of motherhood, career and family. There seems to be a never-ending range of skills and hacks that you can learn online along the way.

As many as 14% of moms in the USA run a blog about motherhood or look for information from the 4 million mom blogs online. If you are among this growing throng, and consult mom blogs or run your own already, there is a great opportunity to engage with knowledgeable moms and learn to become a better parent.

However, whilst there are so many mom blogs, relatively few manage to make money from them. If you run your own mom blog, you may not have thought that you can get paid for it.

Well if fact you can – and let’s face it, blogging takes time and effort, and so even if money may not be your main motivation, why not look to be compensated for all your hard work?

It is possible for even a small niche mom blog to make money via Google Adsense, Amazon links, Banner Ads, Affiliate marketing, selling a product or service, and other methods such as influencer marketing and writing sponsored blog posts.

Check out the extensive infographic below, where you will learn all about the benefits of and opportunities that blogging offers in today’s online world. The statistics may surprise you.



Do you follow any mommy blogs or blog about parenting yourself? What have you learned about the world of mommy blogging? Let us know about your experiences in the comments.