How To Care For Your Child's Ears


Caring for your kid’s ears is essential to prevent problems in the future. Hearing is a vital sense that can impact a child’s communication skills and learning ability. From ear infections to wax, those tiny ears need special attention. Earwax may be healthy in moderate amounts, but frequent and excessive wax accumulation in the ear canal deserves the right cleaning procedure. Many parents make the mistake of ignoring their kids’ hearing health, which can lead to auditory difficulties. Here are some ways to care for a child's ears.

1. See a hearing care professional when you suspect hearing loss

Don't hesitate to book a hearing exam with healthcare professionals If you observe sudden changes in their hearing. Audiologists can prescribe assisted listening devices (ALDs) and hearing aid accessories to help your child hear better. ALDs transmit sound waves to the ear, allowing a person with hearing loss to improve communication. These accessories can improve your child’s TV-watching and learning experience in school. Hearing aids enhance the sound by transferring the signals straight to the ear so you can adjust the volume to meet your child's hearing needs without disrupting other people.

2. Clean their ears well

Avoid neglecting your child’s ears during bathtimes. Kids' ears can be delicate, so you don't want to scrub too hard or clean the interior of the canal. Swiping with a cotton swab or soft cloth around the outer surface is enough to eliminate dirt, oil, and earwax. Excess wax can harden and interfere with your child’s hearing when not removed. One gentle treatment option to remove hardened wax is administering a few drops of olive oil. Get your child to lie down with the affected ear up for a while. The excess wax will drain away when they sit up after a few minutes. Keep their ear canal’s dirt and debris at bay, and your child's hearing will be perfect.

3. Don't insert foreign materials into their ears

Avoid putting foreign objects inside your child’s ears. Such a habit can damage the eardrum and push dirt further into the inner ear, encouraging injections. Healthcare professions advice that parents should desist from using ear candles on kids. Open flames near the ear can be dangerous. Experts say you should also stop using peroxide cleaners on your child’s ears. Opt for mild soap and water to clean their ears instead.

4. Watch out for ear infection symptoms

Five of six kids experience an ear infection before turning three. But you don't have to panic if your kid develops this condition. Many ear infections are treatable. However, note that some infections may be viral, requiring their own treatment course. Consulting your healthcare provider is crucial when your child’s ear is infected. Low-grade fevers and eye and nose drainage are common signs of ear infection. A child may show behavioral symptoms such as losing appetite and not wanting to sleep. Pulling on the ear is another thing that may mean an ear infection. See a doctor when you realize your child constantly pulls on their ear and displays other symptoms of infection.