Can A Tummy Tuck Be Combined With A Brazilian Butt Lift?


A common question plastic surgeons receive from patients is whether it’s advisable for a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) to be performed at the same time as another procedure. For residents of Palm Desert choosing tummy tuck surgery—and who also want to enhance another area of their body—doubling up on procedures can potentially be a good idea. Patients at Cosmetic Surgery Institute can combine treatments, but the team there emphasizes that it’s important to remember that some surgeries go together better than others. A Brazilian butt lift and tummy tuck complement each other well and are often requested by women who hope to achieve a more hourglass shape with a narrower waist and rounder buttocks. This same combination of surgeries can also be offered to mean and women after weight-loss surgery.

What Are the Advantages of Combining the Surgeries?

Combined plastic surgery procedures are often more convenient for patients than completing different procedures at different times. Pairing tummy tuck with a butt lift is more cost-effective and less time-consuming, since the patient won’t have to book multiple consultations, will only have to go under anesthesia once, and will have just one recovery period despite addressing multiple body areas simultaneously.

A Brazilian butt lift and tummy also work well together in terms of balanced and proportionate results. In fact, liposuction—which is a common part of a tummy tuck—is used to collect the fat cells for a Brazilian butt lift.

Keep in mind, however, that duration of a surgical session goes up when combining treatments. The recovery experience may also be different from that of either operation performed on its own.

What Can a Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Butt Lift Do?

The abdominal area is a trouble zone for many patients who are unable to get the flat, toned belly they want. This might be because their natural body type, hormones, or other hereditary factors make them prone to storing fat there, pregnancy has separated muscles and left them with an apron of skin on the lower belly, or redundant skin has sagged after major weight loss.

Losing weight through exercise and watching what you eat won’t be very effective on permanently stretched skin, stubborn fat, and separated muscles. A tummy tuck, however, can address all of these concerns. Stomach fat and extra skin can be removed, and muscles can be tightened as part of the procedure.

Similarly, since the lower body is where many women are naturally heavier, it is often difficult to shed exercise-resistant fat from areas like the hips, thighs, legs, and lower back. Women frequently put on anywhere between 20 to 40 pounds of excess weight during pregnancy to support childbearing, and this fat is often deposited on these lower body areas. These extra bulges—with nicknames like “muffin tops,” “saddlebags,” and “love handles”—are sources of insecurity for many people.

At the same time, plenty of women and weight-loss patients also want a shapelier butt. A Brazilian butt lift addresses all of these issues by transferring fat from areas where it is unwanted—like the stomach, thighs, flanks, hips, or back—to the buttocks to augment their size and alter the curves there without the insertion of implants.

The fat is carefully extracted with special liposuction techniques that keep it intact and alive. The fat cells are then purified before being re-injected into strategic areas.

The results of fat injection and skin removal are considered to be permanent, provided that patients maintain a stable weight after their procedures—and that skin and muscles aren’t stretched again by future pregnancies.

If you’re thinking about having a combined procedure, talk to your surgeon about the time it may take for the bundled procedures to be completed, the risks and side effects to consider, and what to expect during recovery.

Want more information on Cosmetic Surgery Institute’s tummy tuck and Brazilian butt lift procedures in Palm Desert? Call the practice directly at (760) 837-0364 or send in a contact form to schedule a complimentary consultation.