Benefits Of Taking The Time To Talk To Your Child Consistently

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Most child development experts agree that you should talk to infants from the moment they’re born (or even earlier). As parents, we typically understand the need for these interactions. But our jobs aren’t done as soon as they can speak in sentences. Although the reasons are different, it’s just as important to keep talking to your kids after their speech has developed.

 Here are a few reasons that may inspire you to take time to talk to your child:

1.       You’ll stay in the loop – When you’re in the habit of talking to your child, you’ll be better equipped to spot signs that something is wrong before it’s too late. You’ll know who your child’s real friends are and what they like to do. When children enter puberty, it’s common for them to pull away from their parents some. At this time, it’s crucial that you keep talking.

2.       They’ll feel support – Sure, there may be times when your child rolls her eyes at your constant talks. Don’t let it bother you. Children aren’t likely to tell you this, but it does help them to know you care.

3.       Enhancing their communication skills – You can always spot the kids who don’t spend time talking to adults. They’re just not comfortable with conversations and small talk. As you talk to your children about their day and yours, you’re teaching by example. You’re showing them what it’s like to have productive conversations. As such, these should be times when you have each other’s undivided attention. Put away the smartphones when it’s time for your chat.

4.       You can offer guidance – When your child is comfortable talking to you, he may be more likely to share problems he’s having with friends or at school. This gives you the opportunity to give him some of your wisdom. Be careful about trying to “fix” problems, though. Also try to remember, you are your child’s greatest influence; use that responsibility wisely by saying and doing things you’d want your kid to reciprocate. You’ll want your children to make their own decisions. But your advice and guidance are priceless.

5.       Forming a strong bond – Anyone who has ever parented teenagers will tell you that it’s likely the most difficult age group. It’s a time when kids are struggling to gain some independence and you’re struggling to keep them safe. This causes a clash between many parents and their children (you’re definitely not alone). But if you keep talking through these tough times, your bond is likely to come out stronger on the other end. And who knows? You may even get a “thank you” for your efforts when your child is a full-grown adult.

We all get busy with our lives, but it’s important to remember that they’re only little for a short time. When they’re going on about the latest Disney movie for the hundredth time, listen. And then talk about it for time number 101. All we can do is our best, so just keep talking to your kids through the good and the bad.

What about you? Do you have any tips for keeping conversations with the kids going?