What Can You Do To Help Your Breast Lift Results Last Longer?


Although breast augmentation enhances the size of the breasts, patients who want to address sagging should consider a breast lift. The Vancouver area-based practice of Dr. Owen Reid says that a breast lift or breast mastopexy is often the best technique for patients who want to achieve perkier, firmer, and shapelier breasts. As the name suggests, a breast lift will “lift” the breasts. The surgery does not significantly change the size of the breasts, but it elevates them and reshapes them to improve their contours. Sometimes excess skin is removed, and surrounding tissue is reshaped. Women often choose this surgery if they want to counteract natural changes that have occurred in the breasts due to pregnancy, gravity, aging, genetics, and weight fluctuations. It’s generally more likely for larger breasts to experience sagging (ptosis) than smaller ones, although breasts of all sizes can be affected. 

Aging causes the skin of the breasts to lose elasticity and become less capable of holding up the breast tissue beneath it. The plastic surgeon will work with each patient on a case-by-case basis to decide which breast lift approach will be most suitable for them depending on the physical features of their breasts. The goal of a breast lift is to sculpt a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing shape for the breasts. It can boost the patient’s confidence, helping them to feel more comfortable in their body and in clothes. The lifespan of a breast lift varies, depending on several factors such as age, genetics, health, dietary habits, and the surgical techniques that are used. The results from the surgery are usually long-lasting but the breasts will continue to be affected by aging, gravity, and other lifestyle factors. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to preserve breast lift results. Continue reading for some of the best ways to get the most out of your breast lift surgery. 

  • Maintain a Good Skin Care Routine

Taking care of your skin will be essential if you want to maintain perky breasts. Good skin care will help you to avoid wrinkles and sagging skin. To preserve elasticity, you should avoid too much sun exposure as damage from UV rays could cause the texture of the skin to change and become less firm. You can also consider taking natural supplements like vitamins C and E to boost skin strength. 

  • Remember That Weight Fluctuations and Pregnancy Affect Results

If you want to maximize the results from a breast lift, you should maintain a stable weight and healthy lifestyle. Rapid weight gain or weight loss isn’t healthy and can also be detrimental to the skin. With any plastic surgery procedure, it’s recommended that you avoid weight fluctuations if you want to maintain the best results and it’s the same case for a breast lift. It’s advisable that you get a breast lift once you have reached and maintained your goal weight then carefully control and maintain that weight in the future by following a healthy lifestyle if you want the longest lasting results. It’s recommended that you have a breast lift only after you have finished having children because breast tissue goes through many changes during pregnancy that can affect the results from a breast lift. These pregnancy-related changes can reduce or reverse the improvements from a breast lift. 

  • Choose Good Support

A properly fitting bra will extend the life expectancy of your breast lift. The bra will provide support to reduce strain on the supporting tissues and muscles of the breasts. Good posture will also help protect against sagging. 

  • Exercise

Once your surgeon gives you approval to do so, you can resume your exercise routine after a breast lift. In fact, daily upper body exercises can help you maintain your appearance. The breasts don’t have muscle so you can’t make the tissue itself firmer with exercise but it will help the supporting muscles and improve the overall appearance of the chest. 

Want to learn more about how to get the most from a breast lift? Contact Vancouver area-based Dr. Owen Reid for more details. Call 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.