Moms Returning To The Office: 25 Tips


Moms worldwide are returning to work at the office after working from home with their children during the pandemic. While many are relieved to be back in the office with workmates, they face new challenges trying to balance work and family life. If you're parenting full-time or part-time, many things need consideration when returning to the office, such as your boss's expectations of how much work they expect from you daily. It will also take some adjustment to get used to dressing for success again instead of staying in pajamas every day.

The key is not giving up before trying new strategies. Here are some tips for making the transition back to office work more manageable and ensuring health safety while at the office.

1. Communicate with your boss.

Before you return to the office, talk to your boss about what duties you can take on and what you need to delegate or outsource. That will help ensure that you can manage your workload effectively. Also, consider asking to work from home, even for only one day a week.

2. Get vaccinated.

Make sure to get the Covid 19 vaccine and booster and a flu shot as soon as possible to protect yourself. It would also help to get a vaccine against pneumonia.

3. Get childcare.

If you have children, make sure you have arrangements for childcare before returning to work. That will allow you to focus on your job and not worry about your children.

4. Get a dog walker.

If you have a dog, consider hiring a dog walker to take your dog for a walk. That will reduce your dog's separation anxiety after getting used to having you home every day.

5. Prepare the family's meals in batches over the weekend.

That will help reduce the amount of time you spend in the kitchen and minimize contact with others.

6. Ensure that the work environment allows physical distancing.

Check with management on what the new office layout will be like. They must ensure enough space between desks. If this is not possible, ask them to install customized desk acrylic shields.

7. Wear a mask at work.

If you are required to wear a mask at work, make sure you do so. That will protect you from Covid 19 and other respiratory illnesses.

8. Wash your hands regularly and often.

Wash your hands regularly throughout the day, especially before touching your face and eating. That will help keep you healthy.

9. Use hand sanitizer.

If you cannot wash your hands, use hand sanitizer to kill germs.

10. Bring your food.

Do not eat the food in the office. Bring your food from home to avoid getting sick.

11. Drink plenty of water.

Make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and help prevent illness.

12. Avoid contact with others who are ill.

If you know someone is ill, avoid them as much as possible to prevent infection.

13. Use your sick days wisely.

When you feel ill, use your sick days to rest and recover. That will help you get back to work as soon as possible.

14. Don't overdo it.

Don't try to take on too much work at once. That will only lead to stress and frustration. Pace yourself and take things one step at a time.

15. Take breaks.

Make sure to take breaks to get up and move around during the day. That will help keep you healthy and productive.

16. Give yourself time to adjust.

It may take some time to adjust to returning to work at the office after being home with the kids. Be patient and give yourself time to get back into the groove.

17. Don't compare yourself to others.

Don't compare yourself to others in the office. Every individual is different and has their strengths and weaknesses.

18. Take care of your body.

Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise, and nutritious food. That will help you stay healthy.

19. Take care of your mental health.

Returning to work at the office can be stressful, so make sure to take care of your mental health. That includes taking some time for yourself every day and spending time with friends and family.

20. Take care of your personal life.

Make sure to balance work and personal life by setting aside time for each activity. That will help keep you sane and balanced.

21. Have a plan B for emergencies.

If something happens at work and you cannot come in, have a plan B ready to go. That can include working from home or using vacation days. You can also ensure that there is a point person in the office who will be able to take over vital tasks.

22. Ask for help when needed.

If you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it from your family, friends, or coworkers. There is no shame in admitting that you need assistance.

23. Connect with other moms returning to work.

Connect with other moms returning to work online or in person. That can be helpful for sharing tips and advice.

24. Enjoy your time with your kids when you're home.

Remember to enjoy your time with your kids when you're home. They won't be small forever, so make the most of it now.

25. Keep a positive attitude.

Stay focused on the positives, and don't let the negatives get you down.

The transition back to work at the office after working from home can be difficult. With a few adjustments and some planning, though, you may find it easier than anticipated. Follow the tips listed above to help you through the transition period. Before you know it, you will regain your stride.