Kids' Room Organization And Cleaning Tips For Families


Cleanliness is a vital factor in maintaining order and comfort in your own home. However, it is hard to keep a house tidy and neat with growing kids around.  

Tidying up your kids’ quarters may be a difficult process to undertake, but it is completely doable. You need not have deep knowledge of rocket science in order to accomplish the task successfully. Below are cleaning tips to help you organize and maintain the order in your kids’ room. Read on!


1. Involve your kids in the cleaning process.


Working with kids is very important as it gives them a sense of involvement, which makes them feel like you have full trust over their capabilities. Do not easily judge them, thinking they might simply get bored and just cause more inconvenience during the whole cleaning process. Rather, use this opportunity to bond with them and teach them about taking responsibility. This is also a good opportunity to let them know where toys should be kept after using them, thus, next time, they’d be able to store their knickknacks in the right places all by themselves. 

One of the ways you can involve them is by letting them choose their own toy boxes or cubbies the next time you go shopping. That way, they’ll be more interested in cleaning up and storing their toys after playtime.


2. Begin by throwing away all the trash.


Begin cleaning by throwing away all the trash that you can find in the room. This can be candy wrappers, broken toys that cannot be repaired anymore, scratch papers, old and dirty clothes, and any accessories that need immediate disposal. By getting rid of all the trash, you can easily formulate strategies on how to organize the remaining ones left inside the room.


3. Now, Organize.


Begin putting everything back to where they belong, like toys, chairs, clothes, books, video games, and other things lying around. If your child has stuff that they have already outgrown or no longer use, then you can organize them into three piles with labels “keep”, “donate”, and “store”, respectively. 

Things under the “keep” category are obviously those ones you think should stay.  Under the “donate” category will be things, especially clothes, that are still in good condition but your kids no longer need and would benefit others more. For those under the “store” category, these are the ones that you will be keeping for future use. 

 4. Rearrange the room.


This is a good tip to follow especially if you haven’t done this in a while. Rearranging a room could create spaces you never knew existed. For example, by simply exchanging the places of the bed and their study table, you can already create enough space to make the room more ventilated. These “rediscovered” spaces will also allow you to clean areas you might have some difficulty reaching before.


5. Come up with a chore plan that your kids can follow every day.


This chore plan will keep the kids’ room organized and clean. It must include everyday chores that your little kids could genuinely enjoy doing. Also, you can create a rewards system to heighten their efforts.. For example, they will only be allowed to go out and play with their friends only after accomplishing certain tasks. You may as well give corresponding points to these household chores. These points could then add up to specific scores that would allow them to experience simple luxuries, such as a trip to their favorite ice cream parlor or finally obtaining their favorite toys.  

Examples of chores that you can ask them to do are the following:

  • Making the bed upon waking up

  • Sweeping the room

  • Putting all the toys in their respective shelves or storage areas

  • Picking up used or dirty clothes around and placing them inside the laundry basket


6. Hire professional cleaners.


Lastly, for thorough cleaning of your kids’ room and your house in general, have professional cleaners do the job at least twice a month. They can get into the hard-to-reach places that regular cleaning cannot cover. Cleaning services like SwiftClean can already be at your house in just a few minutes after contacting them.


Dust can accumulate in places that you don’t usually look into, which might cause allergies and cause your little ones to get sick. Also, regular cleaning cannot remove all germs and bacteria lurking in the crevices and corners of your kids’ room. Luckily, maid service Tucson professional cleaners are specially trained to give your home a thorough cleaning that will not only make it clean but will also keep it a healthy place to live in. 




Cleaning your kids’ room is a skill you need to master as a parent if you want to keep your house clean and in order at all times. Involving your children in the cleaning process is also a must so that while young, they can already see the importance of cleanliness. Fixing the chaos in your kids’ quarters may be a strenuous task to accomplish, however, it is 100% doable. Furthermore, if you’re aiming for a more spotless, germ- and bacteria-free home, then hiring professional cleaners is definitely a must-try.