5 Techniques to Extend the Lifespan of Juvederm®


Maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin throughout one’s lifetime can be a challenge—not only because of the internal processes that cause skin to weaken and lose its elasticity as a person ages, but also because of how daily living constantly exploses the outer surface to harsh chemicals, pollution, UV radiation, allergens, toxins, intense weather changes, gravity, and other forces. Fillers help to reduce the severity of the wrinkles and depressions that form as a result, but patients should remember that the effects are temporary. Ever wondered what you could do to optimize the results from facial fillers and make them last as long as possible? Since the body gradually metabolizes filler over time, going in for repeat injections to maintain a desired look is the most reliable strategy. However, the AboutSkin Dermatology team, which provides wrinkle treatments including Juvederm® in Denver, explains that there are some ways for patients to ensure fillers last for as long as possible.

The lifespan of filler results depends on the specific brand of filler used, how thick or lightweight the filler is, the metabolic rate of the patient, sun exposure on the targeted area, and other factors. Here are five tips for prolonging the lifespan of hyaluronic acid-based injectables, such as Juvederm® and Juvederm® Ultra.

1. Work with an Experienced Physician Injector

The results from fillers are usually only as good as the experience and skill of your physician injector. Instead of choosing an injector who offers the best discounts or is conveniently the closest provider to your house, look for someone who is reputable and has the right training, education, experience, and credentials to provide the results you are seeking. The first step you can take to ensure that you get quality filler that doesn’t fade quickly is to look for a provider who understands how to inject the filler properly. You can often read a potential injector’s CV and bio online, or request this information directly from the practice. You should also look at before-and-after photos to determine whether the injector you are considering has an aesthetic style that matches your vision.

2. Think About Where the Filler Will Be Injected

Fillers are known to break down faster in certain parts of the face than others. When you’re getting facial fillers, remember that they will wear off more quickly in areas where there is a lot of movement, such as on or around the mouth. When a filler is injected into areas that you rarely move, it won’t wear off as quickly.

3. Don’t Put Too Much Pressure on Your Skin

Having fillers might feel a little strange at first (due to product and swelling and the “newness” of it in your skin), but try to avoid touching your skin too much—especially after you’ve just had a treatment.

4. Avoid Excess Sun Exposure

Chronic exposure to UV radiation may cause hyaluronic acid to break down faster than it would otherwise. Not to mention, UV rays accelerate the general aging process of the skin and may cause additional damage. Follow aftercare advice from your dermatologist, such as staying out of the sun and applying sunscreen with the right ingredients every two hours to protect your skin.

5. Manage Your Stress Levels

If chronic stress is getting you down, it might also be causing your fillers to break down at a faster rate. Not to mention, the inflammation caused by stress is generally bad for the skin. Do what you can to feel calmer, whether it’s setting aside more time for yourself or using meditation, breathing techniques, yoga, or hobbies to de-stress.

Even though our skin naturally loses some collagen and becomes drier as we get older, fillers make it easy to restore some of the lost volume and create a more youthful appearance. Get more information on fillers by contacting AboutSkin Dermatology. Call (303) 756-SKIN (7546) or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.