10 Things To Do When Involved In A Road Accident


It is hard to think about an event like this, but it is important to be prepared. Though the chance might be slim, road accidents can happen anywhere at any time. Knowing what to do if you are involved in one can save lives and protect your wellbeing - after all, nobody wants to get sued!

Here's what you need to know:

1.  Stay Calm! 

Just because you've been involved in a road accident doesn't mean it's the end of the world. If you panic, others will too. Panicking can also cause more accidents when people tirelessly move around when there's no need to be in such a rush. 

2.  Protect yourself. 

Please make sure you're safe from the airbags, sharp edges, or anything else in your car that can harm you when they deploy. If possible, move away from the parts of the car, ready to explode.

3.  Call Emergency Services  

This might seem obvious, but it is often forgotten in a state of panic. Of course, only call the emergency services if there is an immediate risk to life or limb. For example: if someone has been hit and they're not responsive and breathing - don't let them bleed out; get help as soon as possible.

4.  Call the Police. 

Not everyone does this, but it is crucial. The police will need to know about the accident and might have specialized teams that you don't have access to who'll help or take responsibility from there. Also, they can advise on what information needs to be recorded and whether a crime may have been committed.

5.  Take Pictures. 

If possible, take pictures of what happened. If a car was hit, you might want to photograph the damage and any skid marks or debris left behind. If a car runs into a motorcycle, it is often helpful to have a picture taken from behind the vehicle to see their number plate. If needed, contact motorcycle accident lawyers to assist with personal injury claims etc.

6.  Get Names. 

It's also important to try and get the other people involved in the accident to give their names, addresses and phone numbers so that you can contact them later. It is also helpful to write down their vehicle registration, make, and model of car. If anything sounds off about their story, you might need to contact the police again.

7.  Get Medical Help. 

If someone is injured, call an ambulance immediately - don't wait until everyone else has gone. Make sure that if any of the victims are conscious, they know they can trust you and won't be afraid of being left alone or hurt further by your actions. 

8.  Preserve Evidence. 

If the accident was severe, it is essential to make sure certain things are noted down - write down any injuries suffered by those involved, what time and location the accident occurred, any pictures you took or witnesses names who can verify events.

9.  Contact Your Lawyer And Insurance Provider. 

Before calling the insurance provider, it’s better to contact a law firm and find the right lawyer for your case. Any road accident whether it’s a truck, bicycle, or car accident needs an aggressive and expert lawyer who specializes in similar cases. For example, Toledo personal injury attorneys have diverse practice areas and you can surely rely on them if ever you are involved in an accident. They’ll handle the case professionally and will help you receive the maximum possible amount of compensation.

This is important as it's up to your insurer to sort things out and figure out who was at fault. If you're not comfortable with the process, go ahead and try not to pay them until the insurance has been sorted out.

10.  Get Back on Your Feet. 

It will take time, but there's no real reason why you shouldn't keep going with your day as usual. After all, being in a road accident isn't anyone's fault usually. Also, make sure you go back to your doctor if there are complications with your health after the accident.

In an emergency, it is often hard to keep a clear head. However, chaos can quickly ensue if things are not handled calmly from the start.