Easier Outdoor Food On A Family Day Out


Spring is gone, and summer is here. And while there is no guarantee of better weather, the chances are good. So, here is some advice for easier outdoor food when on a family day out.

Prepare Cold Meals in Advance

When the weather is scorching, the last thing you want is a hot meal. Cold food is refreshing on a hot day out, and you can make most dishes in advance. Salads and pasta always go down well. And you can make both of these better by combining them, as with this summer time orzo salad recipe. No, orzo isn’t rice; it’s pasta that looks like rice. Other great cold meals for a hot day out include couscous dishes, fruit and vegetable snacks, and, of course, sandwiches.

Use a Disposable BBQ

Of course, summer is a great time for BBQs. And while you might have the latest grilling machine installed at home, you can’t take it out with you. This is where disposable BBQs come in handy. However, you must use them responsibly since thousands of wildfires are caused by BBQs. If the place you visit prohibits these, then please don’t use them. Also, ensure you have something solid and fireproof on which to place a BBQ, and always make sure to put it out.

Individual Boxes for Easier Outdoor Food

If you are visiting somewhere with only your partner, then you likely won’t be taking too much food. But for a family, there could be a lot you need to manage. Yet you can make it easier by taking individual lunch boxes or containers. This also makes it easier to individualize food. For example, you can make gluten or allergy-free food for your kids in different containers. Additionally, you teach your children the responsibility of looking after their own meals.

Resealable Food and Drink Containers

As the Scouts say, “Leave no trace.” And you should always keep this in mind when on a day out with your family. Whether at camping grounds or in the city, it helps to use resealable containers for your food and drink. This reduces the chances of litter and reduces food and plastic waste. You can also ensure you have something to snack on and drink as you go about your day instead of spending more money than necessary buying expensive store food.

Support the Local Economy

The easiest food is the food someone else makes for you. No one is suggesting you spend all your cash in and out of expensive restaurants all day. But you can help support the local economy when you visit somewhere with cafes, stores, and restaurants, perhaps for lunch or dinner. This cuts down on the amount of food you need to carry around with you while also providing local businesses with the money they need to sustain themselves for the season.


You can ensure easier outdoor food when out and about with the kids. You can make cold meals beforehand, make individual lunch boxes, and support the many local food outlets.