There's Just No One Like Our Dads


In an ideal world, a family is made up of a father, mother, and child (or children) who all live happily under one roof.

However, we live in a messed-up world where the norm is the opposite of the aforementioned fairy tale scenario. Not all married couples stay together for good. It is no longer unusual to hear of broken families. 

This, dear ladies and mums, is the sad reality of the world we live in.


Solo Parenting Is No Joke

Parenting is tough. Raising kids all by yourself is tougher. Generally, in most broken families, the mother has custody of the children. The responsibility of primary parenting falls on her shoulders. Juggling the role of both father and mother, providing not just the nurturing care of a mother but the steely love of a father can be quite overwhelming for one person to take on. 

And we all wonder why a lot of single mothers are depressed and embittered. They don't have the support they need in raising their kids -- the kind of support that can only be met by a father's love and presence. 

Before any of you reacts to this, allow us to state that this is not supposed to take anything away from single mums. Whether by choice or circumstance, every single mum deserves all the praises for getting up every single day to take on the challenges of raising kids on their own. 

However, what we want to point out is how important and irreplaceable a man -- a father -- is in the life of a child and a family.


The Void Only Fathers Can Fill

While we're all for gender equality, no one can refute the positive impact of the presence of a good father in a family. In every family, both father and mother have specific roles and responsibilities that fit them perfectly. Whether it's designed by God or made up by societal norms, these roles can only be perfectly fulfilled by those they were made for. And while we all know that women are far superior to men (yas!) certain familial roles are best performed by men.


Loving Leadership

The subject of leadership in a home is quite subjective. They say that the man is supposed to be the head of the family but we ladies like to think of ourselves as the neck that tells that head where to turn. 

But as much as we would love to take on a leadership position at home, we'd rather just allow men to lead. The only reason why women step up is that most men fail to rise to the occasion. When men fail, women are inclined to take the bat and swing for the fence. And when we swing, we hit harder than Babe Ruth. Just saying. 

Men should realize that they are designed to provide loving leadership in the family; not the type that lords it over but one that genuinely serves each member of the home. When men lead lovingly, it's just natural for us ladies to submit ourselves to their leadership.


Faithful Provision

Ever since women gained the freedom to work, it is no longer uncommon to see a family where both parents have careers. While most career women who are also single mums can handle the financial responsibility for their kids, the burden of providing for the family, especially the kids' needs, should fall on the man. 

Ladies, let's not allow our pride to get the best of us. Set aside that Independent-Woman-You-Go-Girl attitude and let the men do their jobs of providing for the family. You're not only doing yourselves a favor but you're doing the men a favor, too, by allowing them to grow and live up to their potential. 

Plus, ladies, admit it: it would be really nice to spend all the money you make on yourself while the kids' dad takes care of the bills, right? Prada, anyone?


Rock-like Fortitude

Life is never without pressure. Especially for parents. The pressure to not only provide for kids but also raise them well can be very nerve-racking. 

Now imagine if you, as a mum, are taking up onlineInformation Technology (IT) coursesand other further studies for career advancement while dealing with your regular 9-to-5, carpooling kids to and from school, holding the fort down, and taking care of your husband's needs, too. 

No matter how tough you think you are, you need a good man who will constantly lift you and be the glue that will keep you from falling apart. You need a man like that andyour children need a father like that. A good man can provide the emotional strength and support that a mother and her children need.


Oh-So-Corny Sense of Humor

Dad jokes. 

No matter how corny they are, we all need a good dose of daily dad jokes to help us and our kids appreciate and enjoy the simple (and sometimes dumb) things in life. Those jokes keep us grounded even if they almost always drive us crazy. Just pray that your kids get your sense of humor and not his!


Steadfast Presence

Statistically speaking, a large percentage of juvenile delinquency occurs because of fatherlessness. Numerous studies, surveys, and researches have already proven how growing up in fatherless homes can cause serious teenage problems no matter how hard a mum tries to raise godly and socially responsible kids. 

A lot of young men and women have committed grave mistakes because they felt abandoned and unwanted by their dads. They long for their father's attention, even if it's the negative kind. They sometimes even blame their mothers for not having their fathers around. All this goes to show how badly kids want to have a complete family with both mom and dad around. They just want their dads to be involved and take interest in their lives. 

This serves as a challenge to the men in your lives to up their game and is more involved at home. If you have a man and he's all this and more, consider yourself blessed. If you're a single mum taking on both momanddadduties, this article is not meant to take anything from you and your dedication to your children. We commend and salute you. Parenting is tough. It's even harder to do if you're doing it all by yourself. Stay strong, single moms. You got this.


And to the dads out there, be big enough to step into your God-given role. All the other roles in your life can be delegated to other people except your role at home.