How To Handle The Stress Of Being A Single Parent


Being a single parent can be a very rewarding experience, however the stress can often become overwhelming. Staying on top of all responsibilities as a parent whilst working full time is a tough task, and the lack of support from a partner no doubt makes the situation even more difficult. Luckily, there are several things which you can do that will help you to take back control and make the most of your little ones younger years without losing yourself in the process. So, if you’re struggling with the stress of being a single parent and would like to know more about how you can move forward and make positive changes that benefit both you and your child(ren), then read on to uncover some of the best tips and tricks that you can make the most of today. 

Stick To A Schedule

One of the best things that you can do to reduce your stress levels as a single parent is to create a daily schedule that you and your little one(s) can follow. Making a plan for each day will help you massively, as you need structure and order to keep your babes under control and some kind of visual reference that you can use to track your progress. There are far too many things to remember, so having a written record of what you actually have to do each day is so helpful! It’s a great idea to invest in a chalkboard that you can hang up in your home, as your children can add any new activities that they have to attend to ensure you don’t miss something important! 

Seek Support 

It’s essential that you are able to swallow your pride and seek support, as it’s near enough impossible to look after yourself and a family on your own. You don’t need to feel guilty, as it’s vital you can provide everything possible for your children whilst taking part in a sufficient amount of self care too. Contacting an organisation such as a mother’s or father’s rights group can be of real benefit, whilst seeking out a great quality nursery or childminder can give you a much needed hour or two to spend some time alone and stay on top of personal hygiene and home cleaning. Even finding another family in a similar situation can help you to feel a little less alienated, so don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with some other parents that you see at your child’s school. 

Handling the stress of being a single parent needn’t be impossible when you are able to make the most of the top tips and tricks outlined above. Creating a daily schedule will help you considerably, so find a diary or chalkboard that you can use to jot down important events and activities that you need not forget. Don’t be afraid to seek support, whether this be from friends and family or professional organisations - many people will be more than willing to offer a helping hand, you just need to ask.