What To Expect When Preparing To Have Your First Child


Life often feels like it moves at an astounding pace, with every second of your day consumed by work, family and dreaded house cleaning.  As new mothers will tell you, this matter is made even worse when you’re expecting the birth of a child.  From the added stress of medical appointments, special diets and hormonal changes you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed. The important thing is you’re not alone, and having a solid plan in place before the due date can save you a lot of added mess and stress.

Making Plans

There are several key points you will absolutely need to consider when you get the good news. Firstly, there’s your choice of hospital care, you’ll need to address your financial plans and lastly the temporary, but inevitable, changes in life.

Choice of Hospital

Knowing which hospital you’d like to be in on the big day is crucial for your peace of mind and well-being. Researching hospitals is better done sooner rather than later and there is a list of options that can leave you wondering what would be the right choice for you. For many expectant moms, the risk of infection is always a big concern, so make sure that your chosen hospital receives regular visits from people like this company offering hospital cleaning in Des Moines, IA so you can be reassured that they are keeping on top of infection control and cleanliness. It is worth considering the reputation of the hospital and the friendliness of its staff. Reading reviews about the quality of their healthcare leadership can help you find the right hospital bed for you.

Financial Preparedness

Are you financially solvent?  Do you have some savings prepared for at least a few months in advance? Is your partner currently working and able to support you during the early months after the birth of your child?  These are all things you will want to consider and plan for, including having some additional emergency funds for unexpected medical bills.  The Australian government currently offers assistance for up to 18 weeks with paid parental leave for newborns.

Work and Leave

Most women find that telling their employer about their pregnancy after their first trimester is a considerate, and appropriate, length of time for them to get their affairs in order.  Allowing yourself and your employer a reasonable time length to plan ahead will also help reduce stress as you wind up at work.  Most employers will allow for a minimum of 52 weeks of maternity leave, with some employers allowing even more time.  Talk with your employer ahead of time and plan a timeline.

Changes to Your Body

Things will inevitably change during your pregnancy and afterwards. You may experience common discomforts such as lower back pain and sore feet, hormonal changes can cause acne as well as fatigue and sleep problems.  If you are concerned about physical discomforts consult your doctor.

The Essential Items Checklist and Baby Showers

It goes without saying, you’re going to be needing some new things for the newest member of your household, like baby clothes, car seats and a crib.  Most of the items on your essential checklist can be handled by a well-timed, albeit last-minute, baby shower with your friends and family. If you’re keeping your baby’s gender a secret (or a surprise) you might want to leave clothes shopping until last.

  • Rear-facing baby car seat.

  • Blankets and onesies. 

  • Formula and diapers.

  • Baby soap and wipes.

  • Crib or bassinet.


Don’t distress, de-stress yourself.  Pregnancy is a period of great change and turbulence.  It’s normal to feel all kinds of emotions all of the time.  Panic, elation, and general stress are to be expected.  Your body is going through a lot of changes and it is going to make you worried.  Take some extra care of yourself and don’t be afraid to ask for the help you need. This is a time for you.

A Brave New World

Pregnancy can be a very stressful period, but you do have the power to be in control of your journey through to the other side.  The earlier you organise yourself the more you will minimise stress later on.  Sharing your plans with those closest to you will also allow others to help you through this very chaotic time, be it employers, family or friends.