10 Tips To Love Yourself Again After Giving Birth


As much as you’re compelled to look after others, you must also remember to look after yourself and ensure you’re doing okay, too. When you become a mother for the first time, it can be challenging to stay on track. All of your energy goes towards your bundle of joy, but this can also mean you lose yourself along the way.

At the time, you don’t care, because you have a new number one priority. However, ignoring your needs can also cause problems. Over time, you may fall out of love with yourself, and this can negatively affect those around you. If you’re struggling with who you are and what you want to be after giving birth, here is some advice to love yourself again. 

Self-Acceptance Is A Gradual Process 

Too many people think that self-acceptance arrives overnight, but being pregnant and giving birth brings changes. While you may not like or understand these changes now, you will eventually see that these changes are part of who you are now. The road to self-acceptance can take a while, and it’s full of twists and turns, but the more you embrace these changes, the easier it will be to feel good about yourself and look forward to the future. 

Take A Walk

Every new parent will tell you that getting out of the house is one of the best things you can do after giving birth. Sure, you’re exhausted, but you don't need to embark on a hike. Instead, going for a stroll with your baby around the neighborhood can help you escape the messy house that’s starting to feel much smaller. The fresh air is good for you, and it encourages you to be more active, which can help you get back to your best. 

Find Time For Yourself 

Although you’re compelled to spend as much time with your baby as possible, you are not the only one responsible for them. Your partner, parents, or other relatives can help share the load if you feel overwhelmed with motherhood. Finding time for yourself, even if it’s just a few minutes, can be hugely beneficial. A relaxing soak in the bath or other self-care routine is even better, so don’t feel guilty for wanting some time for yourself.

Write About How You Feel 

There are hundreds of strange emotions you will feel after becoming a mother. You wonder if you can handle it, and you’re scared about your child’s future. Writing about your feelings can help you process these thoughts and fears more efficiently. You could even start a baby diary full of all your experiences with your newborn, as this would make a fantastic gift once they turn 18. 

Speak to Professionals 

You shouldn’t need to suffer through your worries and issues alone. If you feel you are suffering from postpartum depression, you need to know there are professional services available to help you through them. These services are often vital for helping you find balance in yourself and give you the support you need. It’s easy to feel like a bad mother if you experience postpartum depression, but a registered psychiatrist can help you realize it’s not that uncommon and that there are treatments available. 

Don’t Panic About Body Changes 

Pregnancy conjures up many hormones that can contribute to your body changing. Furthermore, you’re exhausted and stressed, which doesn't help matters. One of the most common problems is eczema, which is the last thing you want to worry about in addition to everything else. You can overcome this - and other problems - by researching prescription atopic dermatitis treatments from your dermatologist or doctor. 

Spend Time With Your Baby 

It sounds obvious, but the path toward loving yourself is made much easier if you spend plenty of time with your baby. Sometimes, you just need to spend an evening cuddling with them and listening to them breathing or babbling to remember why you wanted to be a mother in the first place. This helps you focus on what matters most and reminds you that you are doing all this to give them the best life possible. 

Focus on Health Eating 

You may have spent your entire pregnancy stuffing your face with a weird array of foods you’d otherwise not touch. These foods satisfied your cravings at the time, but they aren't nutritious. Focusing on healthy eating solves many problems. It can clear up skin issues and give you more energy. Furthermore, it encourages excellent eating habits that help you get back to a healthy lifestyle, which was slightly derailed while pregnant. 

Do What You Can (But Don’t Force Yourself) 

It’s easy to feel like you're useless after giving birth. You’re being waited on hand and foot. You can’t work or contribute to the house. You know that you have to look after the baby, but you also wish you could do more. Many new parents are unsure about the going back to work timeline. This varies depending on where you live, but if you can do something (especially if you work remotely), you might feel better about yourself. Just don’t push yourself too much, because you still need enough energy to care for your child. 

Understand You Are Not Alone

You are not the only person who has struggled with issues after giving birth, and you will not be the last. Understanding that you are not alone and therefore have communities and people to reach out to can help you overcome many problems you face. What’s more, you should also have the support of your partner, family, and friends to help out around the house if you ever feel too overwhelmed. They love you and will support you as you get better. 

Self Love

Everyone needs a little self-love to help them get through life. While you still need to pay plenty of attention to your baby to ensure they grow up healthy, you also need to focus on yourself. These tips can help you balance being a new mother with self-care, allowing you to be the best mother and person you can be.