The Ultimate Fall Skincare Routine


If you’ve had an incredible summer of vacations, days at the beach and cocktails in the sun - your skin might be in need of some TLC. Even if you’re usually good at remembering your SPF, prolonged periods in the sun can cause damage to your skin. Fall is a good time to help your skin recover, and it’s important that you build the right skincare routine to give your complexion a boost. Take a look at the following tips and give your skincare an overhaul for fall.

Choose a nourishing cleanser

Cleansers can sometimes be harsh, and your skin has been through enough this summer. Give it a bit of nourishment with a hydrating cleanser to help restore moisture and keep it hydrated. Look out for cream formulas that offer long lasting protection to keep your skin looking soft and smooth. Avoid using harsh exfoliators or restrict their use to once a week while your skin recovers its condition.

Use a gentle toner

Toners are fantastic for mopping up leftover dirt and makeup that your cleanser didn’t catch. Their formulas, however, can be quite drying and a nightmare for sensitive skin. Luckily there are more and more formulas available to suit sensitive skin types that are refreshing rather than drying. Elemis and Pixi do some great toners that are suitable to use every day and make an excellent part of your skincare routine. Keep an eye out for spray versions that can be used as refreshing mists throughout the day too!

Use a face mask regularly

Using a face mask should be a regular treat for your skin. In the fall you should switch to nourishing face masks that will re-condition your skin and leave it soft and glowing. If you can, go natural with some homemade face masks and restore your skin back to health. Try to avoid strong peel-off masks as these can remove some of the essential oils your skin desperately needs right now and stick to formulas that aren’t drying for your skin.

If your hair is suffering from dry ends caused by sun damage, apply a deep conditioner at the same time as your face mask as a pampering treat for you that will leave you looking and feeling great.

Switch up your makeup products

In the summer, you’ll most likely have opted for sheerer formulas and products to help enhance your natural glow. Summer also involves weather-proofing your makeup, and while waterproof products are great, they can lack the coverage and pigmentation of regular makeup products. Brands like Dermacolor Cosmetics specialize in products that offer excellent coverage that is ideal for covering up summer skin problems like pigmentation and scarring. Investing in some new formulations and products will help you adjust to the new season and look after your skin too.

Getting new skincare in place for fall will not only help you remedy damage caused over the summer months but will also help you to get your skin ready for winter. Enjoy switching up your skincare and enjoy refreshed and glowing skin this fall.