Your Sunglasses Are Giving You Wrinkles?


If dermatologists ran the world (or Bloomingdale's), you'd only be able to buy wraparound sunglasses. But they don't. And it's not the 80s. Thank god. But some shades can make your skin more vulnerable to sun damage--and others (ok, not wraparounds) offer extra protection.

Don't bring your aviators to the beach. I know, I know, it's sad. But the metal frames on most aviators "reflect sunlight onto the tops of the cheeks, causing them to burn," says Vivian Bucay, a dermatologist in New Orleans. And women who wear them often get sunspots on their cheeks as a result, she says. Pick sunglasses with plastic frames instead.

Go for sunglasses with mirrored lenses. "They block more UV rays than regular tinted lenses," says Bucay. That's key, since the thin skin around your eyes is so prone to sun damage and wrinkles. There are lots of good options, including ones from Marc Jacobs, 3.1 Philip Lim, and Céline, who makes the sunglasses the model in this picture is wearing.