3 Tips For Being Pregnant In The Middle Of Summer


While being pregnant in general can turn your life into months and months of being uncomfortable and cranky, what can make this challenging time in your life even more difficult to manage is if you’re going to be having your baby right in the peak of summer. Not only are summers already hot and sticky, but with a little bun in your oven, you’re going to be feeling much hotter than usual and will have the heat getting to you much quicker than it normally would. So to help you maintain your sanity during this time, here are three tips for being pregnant in the middle of summer.

Get Everything Done In The Mornings

In preparation for your baby to arrive, you’ve likely to long lists of things you either want or need to take care of. But in the heat of summer, the hours you have to comfortably be outside or working hard, especially when you’re pregnant, are going to shrink dramatically. Because of this, Mom365.com recommends that you get all of your work done in the mornings while the temperatures are coolers. This means that if you’re checking out homes for sale in your area so you can accommodate your growing family, schedule your showings early in the morning. Or if you need to run to the store or get an urge to clean your home, do these things first thing. Then, when it gets hotter in the afternoon, you can just sit back and relax to stay cool.

Focus On Hydration

To have a healthy pregnancy, you need to stay hydrated. So much of your body’s normal functions rely on being properly hydrated, and even more so now that you’re pregnant and supporting not only yourself but your little one as well. But when the temperatures outside rise, it’s easier than ever to get dehydrated. To combat this, Deirdre Byrne, a contributor to Parents.com, recommends that you drink plenty of water and other drinks that will help to replenish any electrolytes you lose both through sweating and through going to the bathroom.

Don’t Overwork Yourself

When you’re pregnant, your stamina will likely take a real hit. Because of this, it’s going to be easy for you to overwork yourself. While you could normally just take a break and cool off, this isn’t as easy of an option during the heat of summer. For this reason, FitPregnancy.com recommends that you make modifications for any work that you’re going to be doing when you’re out in the heat. And if there’s something that just feels like too much for you to do, make sure you ask for help or wait until later to accomplish it.

If you’re going to be winding down your pregnancy in the middle of summer, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you stay safe, healthy, and comfortable.