Pregnancy and Dental Care

dentist chair, pregnancy

Dental care during pregnancy is very key because pregnancy causes changes in the hormones which increases the risk of gum disease development, which will affect not only your health but the health of the fetus.

Having this in mind, we are going to look at some of the tips to help you have good dental hygiene before, during and after your pregnancy.


Dental care before pregnancy

Plan to go for a dental checkup before you get pregnant. This step will allow your teeth to be cleaned professionally and your gums checked for any dental diseases, and for a treatment to be scheduled before pregnancy.


Dental care during pregnancy

If you are pregnant, it is important that you tell your dentist. If the dentist has this information, regular dental checkups will be done while you are pregnant; if there is an urgent procedure, it will be done. But if you have elective dental procedures like teeth whitening, they will be pushed to a later date after the delivery of the baby is done.

Before you go for your regular checkups while you are pregnant, consult with your obstetrician of any special precautions that you should note. If you are given any drugs like prenatal vitamins, pain medications, or any information your doctor has offered, notify your dentist because your dental treatment plan can be altered based on the information received.

Avoid skipping a dental checkup because you are moody or you are pregnant. It is important for you to ensure that all dental checkups are accomplished without fail. Since you understand the danger of periodontal diseases that can be caused by hormonal changes, you should always remember your periodontal exams.

Additionally, be observant enough to notice any change in your gums. If you feel as if your gums are becoming tender, or they are swelling or bleeding, consult with your periodontist or the dentist on the next step. You should also follow good oral hygiene to prevent or reduce any oral health issues.


How to cope with morning sickness

If you are avoiding to brush your teeth because of morning sickness, change the taste of your toothpaste. It might be best to ask your dentist the type of bland tubes of toothpaste available in the market that you can use.

Alternatively, you can also use mouthwash to counter morning sickness or just rinse your mouth with water.


How to eat right for you and the baby

Avoid eating sweets and other sugary snacks. It is common to crave for sweet things when pregnant. But keep in mind that the more you snack, the more you expose your teeth to decay.

Since your baby’s teeth start to develop within the first three months, eating a balanced diet that is rich in dairy products like yogurt and cheese can help in the development of the bones, gums, and teeth.


How about x-rays used in dental procedures

Routine x-rays that are done on an annual basis can be postponed to post-pregnancy. X-rays are important when performing most of the dental emergency procedures. The American College of Radiology stated that there is no diagnostic x-ray that has very strong radiation to affect a developing fetus.

The ACOG and ADA also stated that dental x-rays done during the pregnancy period are safe especially when the appropriate shielding is done. Some pregnant women may decide to avoid any dental procedure during the first pregnancy semester because they consider the developing fetus as vulnerable at that point. However, there is no need to fear to go for x-rays at this stage because the fetus is not at risk.

If there is a non-emergency dental procedure that needs work during the third semester, it is better to wait for post-pregnancy because of the risk of premature labor the woman can be exposed to due to prolonged rest on the back.


Some dental conditions that might affect your mouth during pregnancy

Although most women go through the nine months period without visiting the dentist because of lack of dental discomfort, pregnancy can create dental problems or worsen any existing dental issues. But if you go for regular checkups, you can maintain a good bill of health for you and your baby.


Pregnancy tumors

There are women who might experience tissue over-growths called “pregnancy tumors” Forming on the gums, especially in the second semester. When this happens, do not be scared because it is not cancerous, but just a swelling that usually happens between the teeth. These tumors bleed easily, and they can be identified because of their red appearance. After the child is born, they tend to diminish, but if you get irritated by them, you can discuss with your dentist about how it can be removed.


Pregnancy gingivitis

We mentioned that hormonal imbalance could affect your dental health. The best way to describe is how some women develop pregnancy gingivitis which is an inflammation that occurs in the gums; it is easily identified by tender gums that are swollen. You may find your gums bleeding when you brush/ floss them in the most tender way possible. If this is left untreated, gingivitis easily leads to a more serious dental gum disease. To prevent it from happening, your dentist will recommend frequent cleaning.


How anesthetics affect women during the pregnancy period

If you need a root canal, a filling or a tooth to be removed during pregnancy, you are not supposed to worry about the anesthetic your dentist will use to help numb the area that requires attention.

In 2015, August issue of a Dental Surgeon Journal, there was a study conducted on some pregnant women who used lidocaine anesthetics alongside a group of women that never used the anesthetic. In this study, treatments done under the anesthetic were safe for both the baby and the woman.


Dental care after pregnancy

If you had any dental problems that could only be addressed post-pregnancy, it is time to go for the procedure. Ensure that your entire teeth are examined in case there are any other dental issues that need to be addressed.



If you are planning to get or you are already pregnant, and you need the services of an experienced dentist to ensure that your pregnancy runs smoothly without any risk of dental problems, call Dr. Marc Lazare. Dr. Lazare is an NYC dental expert specializing in dental care during pregnancy. Visit Dr. Lazare’s website to get more information on the services offered.