Basic Everyday Guides to be a Healthier Mom - 7 Golden Tips

“Being a mother is basically the most rewarding and the most frustrating experience. Kids challenge you, mold you, and in many ways, define you”. –Lisa Oz of     

Becoming a parent would mean that you have to care not only for yourself but you have to give your whole life to your children as well. But before being able to do so you have to know if you are healthy enough to do it. It’s the same as saying “Help yourself first before you can help others”. Becoming healthy won’t be in an instant, especially now that you are a parent. Staying healthy is a bigger challenge. The thought of trying to be healthy is a constant addiction.

The moment somebody tries to spill something of the word “healthy” a person would immediately react to the stimuli of asking oneself if they are. It makes you think about your preferences on being healthy. Thousands of internet articles might say you might not be in the socially accepted level of being healthy, but you yourself should say otherwise. Being healthy should boil down to you saying that “you are”. Being a mother would require you to look through a lot of things, being in a stable happy life while being in healthy should be one of them. You should take your pick on how to be one.  

Stay on the right diet

It is often a sight to see, people who become parents are usually going on top of the weighing scale and it is a normal thing. Sure, it must’ve been fun going on the “I can get this and eat that attitude” when you were pregnant that sent your husband running from places to places just to please your appetite. But you are a mother now and considering a healthy diet should be a priority.

Cut off the sugar intake and lessen on foods with preservatives. There is no mistaking that you cannot totally avoid consuming all products that would make you go on an unhealthy diet, but making sure you lessen this is your choice. Go for more fruits and vegetables and remember to be eating on time. What you do serves as an example for your children, if you’re healthy then they should be too.

Downing the weighing scale

If you happen to be one of those parents who are consciously looking at themselves in the mirror after a few years of being a parent and seeing the weight gain they have, make sure you spend time on staying fit. Now, fit is a broad term and is almost the same thing as saying healthy. Being fit would make you as you are if you think that you are. Getting to exercise more often should make you feel less stressed about your life. Of course, it is a challenge looking after your children and it is enormously stressful. But if the price of being healthy would make you a better parent then you should consider it. Spend time on short breaks for exercise and don’t broaden the word, just do what you can as it will help you relieve yourself, mentally and create a better vibe for your family. You could also try doing yoga. Study says that it exercises you both physical, mentally and spiritually, you might consider going with a yoga teacher training. If it makes you healthier you should go with the question “why not”?      

Get your happy hour

A mother typically the carries the most stressful baggage in the family because she is mostly likely considers everything from her children to her husband to everything in the household. Could you remember a time that you stumbled? What was the first word you uttered? “Mom”!

Being a mother, you should make time for yourself and take some time off. Of course, being a parent is forever but considering the load you are carrying all the time you wouldn’t be doing any good if you are always stressed. Get a book, watch a movie, a date with your husband, if you love gardening, then feel free to do it. It will be better to use an ATV Sprayer while watering for those with big yards so it is easier for you. It should get you going with a positive vibe and be a better parent for your children and a loving wife for your husband.     

Sleep adequately

One of the major problems that mothers experience is that they can’t get enough sleep due to the unending mumbles of every family member. A mother’s world revolves around her family; she’s too selfless to even think of sleeping.

It is unavoidable to be deprived of sleep when the kids are still young however, as they come to age wherein they are needed to be sent to school, it is about time for a mother to take back the sleep that has been taken from her. Sleep while they’re at school or do it during noon time. An effective way is doing a day to day schedule wherein you could include sleeping.

Spend time with the gals

One of the major problems that mothers experience is that they can’t get enough sleep due to the unending mumbles of every family member. A mother’s world revolves around her family; she’s too selfless to even think of sleeping.

It is unavoidable to be deprived of sleep when the kids are still young, however, as they come to age wherein they are needed to be sent to school, it is about time for a mother to take back the sleep that has been taken from her. Sleep while they’re at school or do it during noon time. An effective way is doing a day to day schedule wherein you could include sleeping.   

Go on dates with your partner

A happy wife is a happy household. Being healthy isn’t limited to the physical aspect alone; it also covers up the emotional health. Common causes of a woman’s upsetting mood is the absent of the quality time spent with her partner. The emotional health is very important because once it isn’t given attention; women would end up skipping meals, to the point of disregarding their bodies.

Going on dates, eating dinner together, going for a walk or watching movies while the kids are sleeping, these little things would help you in maintaining your connection with your partner as well as keeping a mother’s emotional health stable.

Be with your kids

Due to the unending stress mothers experience every day, they often forget the reason why they are enduring all of those inconvenience, thus, causing them to be cranky. The feeling when they had their very first kid has slowly faded due to day to day work. During these times, it is very important that you remind yourself why you call yourself a mother.

Your kids are growing up too fast. As their mother, you should slow them by spending quality time with them. You can use baby carrier for your younger baby or you can try a baby jumper, so can focus on the older one. The childhood memories they have with you will be with them ‘til they grow old, they want your attention as much as you want theirs. Spending time with them would let those negativity and tiresomeness fade. Your kids are the best encouragement you could get to push yourself to be healthy.

Settle with everything on your own pace. Being a parent is not an easy task; you should consider creating your own set of rules that would supply your happiness. If you are already stable in your decisions, then you are all set in becoming a healthy individual for all the roles that you are acting as.

Carolette Alcoran is a Content Writer from the Philippines. She has rendered services accurately and is flexible in writing various topics. She writes promotional advertisements, issues concerning both virtual and reality, lifestyle tips, marketing trends and also media's effectiveness. Follow here in Social Medias: Facebook and Twitter.

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