Moms paying pros $1,000 to pack their kids for camp

New York City mommies with money to burn are hiring professional organizers to pack their kids’ trunks for summer camp — because their darlings can’t live without their 1,000-thread-count sheets.

Barbara Reich of Resourceful Consultants says she and other high-paid neat freaks have been inundated with requests — and the job is no small feat.

It takes three to four hours to pack for clients who demand that she fit all of the comforts of home in the luggage, including delicate touches like French-milled soaps and scented candles.

At $250 an hour, the cost for a well-packed kid can run $1,000.

“I talked three people off the camp ledge,” Reich told The Post. “For a lot of mothers, particularly when their child is going away for the first time, it’s very stressful. Clients will say, ‘I need to touch and feel the sheets for softness.’ ”

“But these are the kinds of things they can control. They’re paying $10,000 for sleep-away camp, so they shouldn’t feel so bad for their child.”

Two years ago, she had one trunk request. Last year, she had five trunks, and this year, she has packed 10 trunks — and it’s not even Memorial Day.

Professional organizer Dayna Brandoff of Chaos Theory has at least four camp-packing requests on the books and expects at least 15 more in June.

Some of her clients have requested she recreate their child’s bedroom so they can feel completely at ease in their air-conditioned bunks.

“It’s really about bringing the feel of home to camp,” Brandoff told The Post.

“A lot of the parents that I work with want to duplicate the bedding that they have at home. They’re sending plastic boxes and shelving to give their kids more space.”

Social researcher Wednesday Martin says there’s a new crop of professionals who hyperfocus on catering to the administrative aspects of child-rearing.

“Women who are Type A, hard-driving, competitive career moms — that is, being a mom is their career — can hire staff, assistants, professional organizers to help them do it better,” she said.