Surrogate baby born months after mother’s death

Surrogate baby born months after mother’s death. (CNN)

Surrogate baby born months after mother’s death. (CNN)

Nate and Laura Yoho looked like a model couple — but looks can be deceiving.
“I found out I had a brain tumor, so it’s very, very bad, very serious, I guess you could say,” said Laura Yoho, 30, in an interview a year and a half ago. “There’s only about 2 to 5 percent that you’re going to be OK.”

One year into a marriage, that was heavy, even for healthy, fit weightlifters.

“You’re in uncharted territory. You don’t know how to feel,” Nate Yoho said.

Her childhood friends couldn’t believe this was happening. How this happen to the girl who preached healthy living through college?

“She would get up and make breakfast while I was still in bed,” Kara Stetson, Laura’s best friend, said.

Laura kept fighting, while Nate kept hoping.

But within nine months, Laura’a fight was over.

Four months after Laura’s death, her daughter Caralyn was born.

It was a plan they’d shared with only their closest friends.

Laura’s best friend Kara told her that she would carry a baby for her.

The young couple had no idea that during Laura’s last year, her best friend had already been setting the stage.

“She said, ‘I’ve been going to the doctor and preparing myself for the past year knowing that I was going to carry this baby,’” Nate said.

Laura lived to see her baby’s first black and white ultrasound and found out she was having a girl.

Baby Caralyn was born four months and two days after her mother died.

Since baby Caralyn has been home from the hospital, her dad has been getting a lot of help from her grandparents and from Laura’s friends, including some who’ve even supplied her with many months worth of breast milk.

Both Caralyn and her surrogate mom are doing great.

Source: CNN

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