10 Reasons Bunnies Are More Than Just a Fluffy Tail

1. Bunnies can live for eight to twelve years, just like cats and dogs. Rabbits are the third most surrendered animal (behind dogs and cats) in the United States because people often get them impulsively. You should get a rabbit only if you are willing to make a long-term commitment to care for the animal, with proper veterinary attention, daily maintenance, a nutritious diet, and exercise.

2. A bunny nibbling a carrot might be cute, but in the wild they mostly eat grass.

3. Rabbits can be litter-box trained.

4. Rabbits can roam freely around your home, just like a cat, but keep a watchful eye -- they like to chew on cables and furniture.

5. Rabbits communicate mostly with body language -- moving their ears and tails and stamping their feet.

6. Konichiwa! Rabbits are very popular pets in Japan, in large part because of their vegetarian diet. The traditional Japanese diet emphasizes vegetables over meat, and pet owners in Japan tend to shy away from domesticated carnivores such as dogs and cats.

7. Long hind legs and feet give rabbits power when they hop -- sometimes as high up as a kitchen counter!

8. Their big, funnel-shaped ears can turn around in all directions to help them hear better. Ears also release body heat to help rabbits stay cool.

9. When rabbits raise their tails away from their bodies, it means they're excited or upset.

10. Because their eyes are located high on the sides of their heads, rabbits have a nearly 360-degree view.