No, Math Is Not A Pug Ugly Subject…Read This StudyPug Review!


Being a successful homeschooling dad is no easy task. Finding the right books and teaching tools can be time-consuming, and if you seek support from a tutor it can also be very expensive. I have spent many years trying to find the best teaching platforms, many of which are cumbersome and do not provide a good user experience for the student .

I have been homeschooling for 23 years and as my two eldest children have graduated with nearly perfect SAT scores, I am confident that my unconventional homeschooling and unschooling methods do in fact work!

As such, I am pretty well positioned to assess the merits of  StudyPug as an online learning platform for children of all ages so I was particularly keen to take StudyPug for a test run!

I have always found the task of being a Maths and Science tutor to be the most difficult aspect of homeschooling, as these are taught very differently than in my youth!

So let’s dive in and take a look…

In full disclosure, I have used the platform once before, so I will say that when I first signed up, the navigation menu into the site was a little confusing and could do with a little UI tweaking, so that it is easier to get to the free preview lessons.

 So set aside a little extra time to make yourself familiar with the menus because there are more than 1000 subjects that cover maths and science, for all levels, all the way up to college grade – so my two 20 something students are really stoked that they can get such quick access to online tuition for their grade level subject!

You have back-up - I must complement the platform on the ease of use and unlimited study help , which enables students to feel supported on even the most complex questions. Help is literally a click away and fast to get!


Another great feature is that the lessons use standard school textbook learning methods, so if your children attend school when they use the platform there will be a familiar methodology and presentation of subjects for them. Preview practice questions are available for each subject and are really helpful and your kids feel a real sense of accomplishment when they see the motivational pug that gives your children encouragement! Your children were grateful to see that they are shown correct answers and earn stars (just like us old folks we did at school back in the day, earning with paper glitter stars!)

My children loved that and the fact that the correct answers are shown and stars that are given!


1. Excellent cost - StudyPug is a very comprehensive platform, but an annual plan only costs $119 – far less than comparable online tutoring sites, and a massive saving on a private tutor that could cost in excess of $40 per hour just for one subject

2. Video On Demand – there are intensive 24/7 on-demand instructional videos, which are complimented with detailed follow up quizzes and tests. This makes it very easy to monitor a student’s progress, and children get plenty of opportunity to do practice tests and find out where they are going wrong, which reduces the risk of their becoming demoralized when they get stuck.

In general, a student can go as quickly or as slowly as they feel comfortable with, and they can avoid the feeling of falling behind if they are finding a particular topic very difficult, which, as we all know, is commonplace in a school or college environment.



 StudyPug earns much kudos for making itself easily accessible for children of all ages, and is especially good in that it encourages students to take practice tests without fear of failing. The Maths and Science modules are particularly good and my children found the videos to be extremely useful

For its inexpensive cost, accessibility and detailed content (especially he videos and practice tests) I can recommend Study Pug without reservation. Take the students in your life for a free 7-day trial of this platform, and even the most reluctant students who struggle with maths and science will see a big boost in their confidence,l increase their learning curve and inevitably lead to better grades! So give it a try!

By Jim Mckenzie

Disclosure: This is a post in partnership with StudyPug. This is an unbiased review. Please refer to the site disclosure page for more details.